Green Tea And Weight Loss

Green Tea And Weight Loss
Green Tea And Weight Loss

Green tea and weight loss has recently become a topic that is gaining momentum in methods for weight loss. Teas entered many years ago as a drink rich in antioxidants. Today green tea is increasingly used in diets or weight loss regimens. Whether the effect is really that good, scientists are still hesitant about.

How green tea helps to lose weight

Green tea is made from tea leaves when they are dried, not by fermentation. The fermentation process that produces black tea does not retain the ingredients that serve as antioxidants.

The positive effects of green tea are very. It contains antioxidants that fight cancer, heart disease and other health problems. Due to these powerful ingredients, a lot of research has been done on green tea to see if it also helps weight loss.

Research results

Many different studies have been done on green tea and weight loss. The findings of the research are different. Many of them were unconvincing and showed a low effect of green tea on the human body weight loss.

A 2004 study related to the influence of green tea on the human body shows interesting results. Scientists are investigating whether green tea in combination with caffeine reduces or destroys weight gain in obese people who have lost about 5 to 10% of it. The results are unconvincing. No real difference was found between the group of people who used green tea and the people who did not. Even some participants in the group using green tea in the experiment showed weight gain due to caffeine.

Another study from 2005 shows different results. Two groups of people were used. One uses black Chinese tea and the other group green. Those who have consumed green tea show very positive results, such as:

• Reduced weight

• Reduced body fat

• Reduced cholesterol levels

This study recommends consuming at least four cups of green tea a day.

According to a leading clinic in America, green tea is not recommended for all types of people, especially for those who are allergic to caffeine and tannin.


Green tea refers to herbal medicines. However, experts recommend taking it only as an extract or tea.

You can take about 5 or 6 cups of green tea a day. In the event of any side effects from the content of caffeine for example, its consumption must be reduced or completely stopped. Although the link between green tea and weight loss in humans has not been proven, it has many other beneficial ingredients that have a positive effect on the body.
