Healthy Properties Of Chokeberry

Healthy Properties Of Chokeberry
Healthy Properties Of Chokeberry

Aronia is a favorite fruit of deer and rabbits, as well as many people. Apart from its incredible taste, it also brings numerous benefits to the body. Due to its astringent taste, it is not suitable for direct consumption, but it is ideal for everything else - juice, wine, jam, liqueur and more.

Aronia is one of the strongest antioxidants given to us by nature. It contains a huge amount of bioflavonoids and vitamin P many times more than oranges and apples.

There are two types of chokeberry - red and black. While red is sweeter, black is slightly astringent. However, both types contain a significant amount of healthy nutrients.

The benefits of chokeberry have been known to people for years, which explains its relentless popularity. In general, it can be said that it is rich in all kinds of vitamins and especially - not so popular vitamin P.


It helps strengthen connective tissue and prevents capillary bleeding. It is often used in recovery from heart attack, stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Fresh chokeberry juice is among the best remedies against high blood pressure. It also stimulates the immune system. The fruit is not only not banned, but is recommended for diabetics. It also gives positive results in the treatment of liver cancer.

Chokeberry also contains iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Its intake has a prophylactic effect - protects against viral and bacterial infections, relieves bronchitis.

Chokeberry juice eliminates headaches, fatigue, nervous tension and disorders, as well as stimulates the regeneration of muscle and bone tissue.

Another interesting property of chokeberry is the anti-radiation effect. It protects against computer treatments, mobile phones and all kinds of radiation in general. Or so scientists say.

Aronia also has an anti-allergic effect. It is suitable for young children, pregnant women and can be included in any diet. It has a good effect on the growth of children.
