Beauty Is Maintained With Pineapple

Beauty Is Maintained With Pineapple
Beauty Is Maintained With Pineapple

A woman can look beautiful regardless of age and this is determined by how toned her muscles and skin are. Their tone is determined by the amount of collagen in the connective tissues.

This in turn depends on proper nutrition. When the body lacks nutrients, proteins and vitamins, it begins to draw collagen from the connective tissues.

The muscles sag and relax, the skin is covered with wrinkles and cellulite. And the highest quality cosmetics will not have an effect on improper nutrition. To make collagen cells in the connective tissue, you need to eat fresh fruit four times a day.

Fresh pineapples are the most effective. Pineapple stimulates collagen production and contains a unique digestive enzyme - bromelain.

Fresh pineapple removes toxins and toxins from the body, helps to normalize weight, strengthens immunity and restores lost sensuality, making a woman attractive and desirable.


Hair beauty is very important for a woman. The best helper in this regard are oatmeal, which, however, is not a favorite of most people.

Oatmeal contains many useful substances that are necessary for the health of the whole body and especially for blood vessels, scalp and hair.

Oatmeal not only cleanses the stomach, but removes from the deep layers of tissue accumulated salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Eat carrots regularly - they not only improve skin and vision, but are also very useful for hair. It is enough to eat forty grams of cottage cheese a day to keep your lips soft and sensual.

Fish and hazelnuts help fight pimples, and eating bananas softens the skin of the hands. Soy strengthens the hair follicle and sheep cheese strengthens nails.
