Folk Medicine With Black Pepper

Folk Medicine With Black Pepper
Folk Medicine With Black Pepper

Piperine is the ingredient in black pepper that makes us sneeze, but also helps us gain weight, according to a study. There is still not enough research on this issue, but if scientists can prove it, black pepper could be used in therapy for obesity and related diseases.

Black pepper is a well-known spice that is often used in folk medicine. It is mostly used for colds. However, the spice is extremely effective for severe coughs, sore throats and headaches.

In addition, black pepper has been shown to relieve conditions such as sinusitis, bronchopneumonia, daggers that occur on nervous soil and more.

For sore throats, apply a warming compress using paper, pepper and lard. Grease the paper and sprinkle well with ground black pepper. Then apply the compress and wrap the top with a woolen scarf. You will feel that your throat is heating up - if the skin starts to turn red, remove the compress.

Folk medicine with black pepper
Folk medicine with black pepper

In case of persistent and unpleasant cough, mix 100 g of honey with 25 g of ground black pepper. To them you need to add grated nutmeg and 50 g of ground flaxseed. Stir the mixture well and take 1 tsp. before meals in the morning and evening.

For colds, the easiest way to recover quickly is to make mulled wine with black pepper. Bronchopneumonia is treated with cotton cloth, brandy and black pepper.

The fabric is soaked with alcohol, then black pepper is sprinkled on top. Put the bandage on the patient's chest, put paper on top (maybe a piece of newspaper, pierced with a needle), then a woolen scarf. The only condition is not to apply the compress to the heart area.

You can prepare an ointment for joint pain. Put in a suitable bowl a glass of olive oil and 1 tbsp. ground black pepper. Bring the pan to a simmer, then simmer for between 5 and 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool, then strain the ointment. You can use the mixture to rub on problem areas.

For sore throat and persistent cough, mix 1 tsp. honey with 1 tbsp. ground black pepper and stir. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture 4 times a day.
