The Secret Of Delicious Cuties

The Secret Of Delicious Cuties
The Secret Of Delicious Cuties

The scent of freshly roasted cuties early in the morning can give any flying start to the day. Fluffy inside, with crispy crusts on top, the cuties, especially if prepared at home, are a true masterpiece of native cuisine.

At the same time, cooking this dough specialty is far from difficult, as long as of course you know the secrets of making really tasty sweets.

The first of several is flour. It must be wheat white flour. Before you start preparing the dough, sift it twice.

So on the one hand you will be absolutely sure that it is clean and you will not chew any unpleasant surprise that will spoil your breakfast, and on the other hand the cuties themselves will become much fluffier.

The second thin point in the cuties is the special attitude towards the dough. Once cooked, you need to lightly beat it. Gather it into a ball and hit it several times on the table. No joke, no cheating, this way the dough will relax and the finished cuties will be fluffy like cotton.

Also important is the re-fermentation. Once shaped, the cuties should be left in the raw state to rise again for at least 30 minutes. You will see the result of this as they start to bake. The dough will swell and become significantly thicker.

cuties with cheese
cuties with cheese

Photo: Sevda Andreeva

The last secret to making delicious cuties is lard. Lard must be used for this dish. Forget about margarine, butter and oil.

This fat is used twice in the preparation of cuties. The first time is in the dough. Melt two tablespoons of butter and mix them together with the other products from the recipe for sweets, which you stopped at.

Re-use lard to pour the cuties. Melt three tablespoons of the fat, add two tablespoons of breadcrumbs, one teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of water.

Pour this mixture over the risen sweets and put them directly in the oven. Following these few rules will make you an unsurpassed master of home-cooked cuties. Try to see for yourself.
