Diets For Overweight

Diets For Overweight
Diets For Overweight

One of the most popular summer diets that fight overweight is the watermelon diet. The amount of watermelon is not limited, but you should eat a small piece of cheese with each meal. Twice a day, one toasted slice of wholemeal bread is allowed. Sweetened beverages are prohibited. With this diet you can lose more than five pounds a week.

Summer is the perfect time to fight weight, which not only threatens the appearance, but is also a serious factor in the emergence and development of many diseases.

When you start following a diet, it is important not only to lose weight, but also not to harm your health. A basic principle of diets is a sharp reduction in calories in the menu. With a strong weight gain, it is good to reduce the calories in your daily menu by about forty percent.

Despite the diet, your menu should include products that contain essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins.

Diets for overweight
Diets for overweight

These substances are necessary for the normal functioning of the endocrine system. Protein-free diets cause serious disorders of the liver, cardiovascular system and other organs.

When you decide to follow a diet, you should limit fast-digesting carbohydrates, especially sugar and white flour products. They quickly turn into fat. Limit animal fats in half, replace them with vegetable.

Create a feeling of satiety in your body with low-calorie but voluminous food - raw vegetables and fruits, whole grains.

Temporarily give up spices that whet your appetite, as well as spicy foods, smoked and salty meats, and pickles.

Limit salt to five grams a day and drink at least a liter and a half of water a day. Replace meat soups and broths with vegetables or, if you stick to meat, emphasize chicken, rabbit, beef - but only boiled, steamed or grilled.
