Overweight In Children

Overweight In Children
Overweight In Children

Today, every third child or teenager is overweight or obese. This shows that in recent decades the percentage of obese children has tripled. All experts in this field are unanimous, according to them childhood obesity is as dangerous to health as the use of alcohol and cigarettes in early childhood.

Among today's overweight children causes a wide range of health problems that were not encountered at such an early age.

These include, on the one hand, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol levels, and on the other, a number of psychological problems. Obese children are more prone to low self-esteem, negative mood and depression.

Overweight in early childhood is associated with earlier and higher death rates in adulthood. Due to the growing rate of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity, we may witness the first generation of children who will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.

Achieving and maintaining a constant body weight is very important. Therefore, small and constant changes in diet are most effective, rather than a series of short-term ones that cannot be maintained.

In the treatment of most of overweight children the emphasis should be on preventing weight gain as children grow older. For many of them, this may mean limited or no weight gain, in the period in which they grow in height.

Recommendations for weight maintenance should include regular exercise and special attention to the diet and eating culture of the whole family. In order to achieve this, it turns out to be very effective, parents also need to change their diet and eating habits.

Overweight is the result of an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Nowadays, this excess adipose tissue, or in other words, the storage of fuel in the body is considered a disease state.

The development of adipose tissue in the fetus begins in the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy and lasts until the end of human life.

This can make you think and understand how important it is to take care in this direction from the very birth of the child, even before this "disease" has appeared. The more you pay attention to this, the more protected they will be your children from obesity.
