Should We Eat At Night?

Should We Eat At Night?
Should We Eat At Night?

For more than thirty years, scientists have debated whether or not it is harmful to eat at night.

Americans have finally resolved this dispute by experimentally finding that eating at night is the most direct route to obesity.

According to science, excess rings accumulate when a person consumes less energy than he receives.

But it turns out that there are other factors. Scientists at the Center for Sleep Biology in Illinois, USA, fed two groups of mice.

First with ordinary food, and after the mice were 9 months old (by human standards this is 20 years), they were given food that consisted of 60 percent fat.

Mice really like fat. The scientists divided the rodents into two groups - one ate until bursting during the day and the other at night.

Fat woman
Fat woman

However, let's take into account the fact that mice sleep during the day and are active at night.

After 6 weeks, the mice that ate at night, ie. at the right time for them, gained 20 percent of body weight, and those who crammed during the day - 48 percent.

Every living being has a rhythm of the day. It controls all systems: body temperature, heart rate, hormone levels.

During the night diet, food enters the body at a time when the hormone leptin, which takes care of the regulation of body weight, fluctuates.

The connection between the circadian rhythm and metabolism takes place at the level of genes.

Scientists have found that mutations in the lock gene - the main gene in the human biological clock - always lead to metabolic disorders and therefore obesity.
