Make Homemade Yogurt And The Most Economical And Delicious Cake With It

Make Homemade Yogurt And The Most Economical And Delicious Cake With It
Make Homemade Yogurt And The Most Economical And Delicious Cake With It

Bulgarian yogurt has a unique taste, known around the world. There are suggestions that its origin is associated with the developed sheep breeding during the Thracians. Yogurt is obtained from preheated natural milk, which has undergone lactic fermentation at 40-45 degrees.

Depending on the milk used for its preparation, it can be: sheep, cow, buffalo, mixed. Buffalo yogurt contains the highest percentage of fat - 7.5%, followed by sheep - 6.5%, mixed - 5% and cow - 3.6%.

The health benefits of milk intake are innumerable, so it should be present every day at our table.

Yogurt recipe


Necessary products: 1 liter of milk, 1 tbsp. yogurt for fermentation.

Method of preparation: The milk is boiled and left to cool slightly, the temperature should be 38-40 degrees, 1/4 tsp is separated. of it and mix with the sourdough, mix well and add to the rest of the milk, stirring constantly, cover the dish with a lid and wrap in warm woolen cloth. Leave in a warm room for 3 hours, then store the resulting yogurt in the refrigerator.

The fastest and most commonly used recipe with yogurt is that for garlic sauce: 1 cup of yogurt is mixed with 3 cloves of crushed garlic and salt to taste, mix well and is ready to garnish vegetables and other dishes.

During the summer the yoghurt most often used to make tarator: 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup water, 1 cucumber, garlic, salt, dill, parsley.

Cut the cucumber into small cubes, add the crushed garlic, salt, parsley and dill, add the yoghurt mixed with the water and stir.

Economical ladkish
Economical ladkish

Photo: Natalia Petrova

Economical cake with yogurt

1 cup yogurt, 1 tsp. sugar, 3 tsp. flour, 1/2 tsp. oil, 1 tsp. soda, 1 vanilla sugar, fresh fruit or jam for garnish

Method of preparation: The yoghurt is mixed with the sugar and soda, the oil is added and finally the flour and vanilla sugar, the finished mixture is poured into a greased pan, the fresh fruits or jam are arranged on top and baked for 45 minutes at 170 degrees.
