Guinness Drink On National Cold Tea Day

Guinness Drink On National Cold Tea Day
Guinness Drink On National Cold Tea Day

Cold tea for the Guinness Book of Records was brewed in the state of South Carolina on the occasion National Cold Tea Day, held annually on June 10 in the United States.

American fans of the drink have prepared the largest cup of iced tea in the world. 52 kilograms of tea, 950 kilograms of sugar and 1400 kilograms of ice were used for the refreshing drink.

The products were used to make 5,200 liters of tea, which was placed in a huge container.

A Guinness representative was present and certified and recognized the American record. With their iced tea from South Carolina, they broke the previous achievement in this category, set in 2010.

National Cold Tea Day is held every year in the United States to celebrate one of most people's favorite summer drinks. With its varied flavors of lemon, peach, berries and many others, iced tea is drunk in large quantities during the warmer months of the year.

In the United States, cold tea consumption accounts for 85% of beverage sales during the summer season. It is the most popular non-carbonated beverage overseas and can easily be found in grocery stores and restaurants.

The biggest iced tea
The biggest iced tea

The birthday of iced tea is 1870, when its recipe appeared publicly. Then it began to be widely available in hotels and restaurants. However, it is believed that the first iced tea was made in 1860 in the United States.

According to the story, the owner of a tea plantation Richard Blechinden decided to offer his guests - fans of tea, a more refreshing form of the drink, suitable for summer, and added ice to it.

The fame of the refreshing drink quickly spread to the land of unlimited possibilities and in 1904 it was officially presented at the trade fair in St. Louis.

Cold tea, like hot tea, has many beneficial properties for the human body. In addition to refreshing in the heat, the cold drink reduces bad cholesterol and helps digestion.
