Today Is National Chocolate Cake Day

Today Is National Chocolate Cake Day
Today Is National Chocolate Cake Day

Today you can solemnly enjoy a chocolate dessert since January 27 is noted National Chocolate Cake Day.

The favorite chocolate cake has undergone great development over the years.

And while eating the chocolate cake that everyone likes, you can learn some interesting facts about it.

The first cakes were made in Greece, but they were heavier and only in round or square shape. The first cakes must have been prepared in combination with nuts and honey.

The ancient Romans also made cakes that resembled modern cheesecake. Sweets were only part of the gifts to the gods and were consumed only by aristocratic society.

For the first time the chocolate cake was made in 1828 by the Norwegian Konrad Van Houten, who began to use chocolate for liqueur and found that the texture was ideal for cakes.

However, chocolate and dough were first mixed by the English in the early 18th century, who made fried muffin-like cakes.

In medieval England, the words bread and cake meant the same thing, and people did not distinguish between them because they were both made from dough.

Today, making cakes is an art, and their main purpose is to serve on birthdays and special occasions. For some families, cakes and confectionery are a family tradition, and the secrets of their preparation are passed down from generation to generation.

The chocolate cake to this day it remains the most popular delicacy in the world. Among her favorite species are the Black Forest, Devil's Chocolate Cake and Garash.

Dark chocolate is the most preferred chocolate glaze, and in combination with nuts is a real classic. See their symbiosis in the gallery above, where we gathered some of our favorites chocolate cakes.
