What To Eat In The Fall So As Not To Gain Weight

What To Eat In The Fall So As Not To Gain Weight
What To Eat In The Fall So As Not To Gain Weight

Autumn changes our body and one of these changes is seasonal depression and increased appetite. And if you managed to lose weight in the summer, then in the fall the risk of regaining weight and gaining weight is still particularly high.

How should we eat in the fall to feel full, but at the same time not to accumulate fat? According to European nutritionists, with the onset of autumn and declining temperatures, our body begins to feel the need for more caloric food and by natural law tries to accumulate fat for the winter.

Therefore, it is completely natural that the appetite increases, we begin to feel the urge to eat fatter and caloric and sweeter food than in summer.

It is not necessary to limit ourselves so much in eating, nor to follow a certain diet in order to be able to maintain what we have achieved in the summer.

If we ruin our body with hunger, it can exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases, if any, and be a prerequisite for them if we do not already have them.


If we do not get the necessary substances in our body in the fall, we become irritable, more susceptible to stress and constantly feel anxious. All this has a bad effect on the figure.

Constant dietary restrictions also lead to spontaneous overeating, and sometimes simply to gluttony. In order to feel good and calm and not worry about the extra inches we can gain, we just need to reconsider our diet.

Modern nutrition recommends the following principle - our diet should depend on the season. There are serious arguments for this - the need to maintain energy balance in the body depending on the cold or warm season, as well as the readjustment of the body in the transition from one season to another.

The information about the change of the season reaches us from the change in the diet, adjusting the fine hormonal system of the gastrointestinal tract and preparing the body for the upcoming seasonal changes.

If in summer the ideal food is cold vegetable soups, fruit ice creams, salads and cold drinks, then in autumn they are replaced by hot soups, vegetable souffles, hot drinks.

Food temperature plays an important role in metabolism, so do not reduce your metabolism with cold foods. Warm vegetarian soup will replace salad, and tea with honey will warm not only your body but also your soul, and will similar metabolism.

In the fall, it is very important to eat regularly. If in the summer it was perfectly normal to miss one or even two meals in the heat, then in the fall you should never miss lunch.

In some meals, replace meat with stewed vegetables, and replace cow's butter with cold-pressed olive oil. When you feel like eating jam, eat fruits, light creams and pastries.

A good option is a baked apple with a teaspoon of honey. According to modern nutritionists, the products that are typical for the climatic zone of your area are best absorbed. Autumn fruits and vegetables should not be neglected because they contain many useful substances, including valuable antioxidants.
