Sausages With Horse Instead Of Beef In Our Country

Sausages With Horse Instead Of Beef In Our Country
Sausages With Horse Instead Of Beef In Our Country

The scandal with the unregulated investment of horse meat in the production of semi-finished foods and sausages continues to grow.

Almost all countries in Europe are affected, and the number of products containing horse meat.

Following the notification received through the Food and Feed Reporting System (RASFF), the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency undertook to send more than 100 samples for DNA analysis to various European laboratories in March 2013 alone.

Horse sausages
Horse sausages

The results of the first 25 samples sent were received earlier this week. According to the German laboratory, which examined them for the unregulated presence of horse meat was found in four of the samples taken.

The products, in which traces of horse DNA were found, belong to two of the largest meat processors on the Bulgarian market.

In meat products and sausages of the Karlovo company "Bonnie" AD and the Petrich company "Mes Co" EOOD are the traces of horse meat. Action has already been taken to withdraw the consignments of horsemeat in question from the market instead of beef.

Sausages with horse instead of beef in our country
Sausages with horse instead of beef in our country

According to experts from Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) the fines that will be imposed on the producers in question will be, the maximum allowed by law, in the amount of BGN 10,000.

The more important question that BFSA inspectors hope to find is whether meat processors knew that the meat they put into production was horse meat or had been misled by their suppliers.

The BFSA continues with the intensified inspections in the trade network, and in the meantime will prepare an information notification to the member states of the European Union, through the RASFF system.

According to Dr. Yordan Voynov, head of the BFSA, there is no cause for concern on the part of citizens. The products of both companies in no way pose a danger to human health and are not dangerous for consumption.

The reason for downloading them from the commercial network is the misleading content marked on their labels.
