Sweeten With Stevia - You Do Not Get Sick

Sweeten With Stevia - You Do Not Get Sick
Sweeten With Stevia - You Do Not Get Sick

Stevia is an increasingly popular alternative to white sugar. This honey herb has been known for thousands of years, but its beneficial and taste qualities have only been fully revealed today.

Stevia is native to Paraguay and Brazil. This perennial shrub was discovered in 1887 by the South American scientist Antonio Bertoni. He learned about the herb from the Paraguayan Guarani Indians. They used it as a sweetener for various traditional drinks.

Apart from its wonderful taste properties, however, stevia also enjoys medicinal properties. It has a pronounced homeopathic way of acting against most diseases inherent in our century. It contains glycosides involved in metabolic processes in the human body without insulin. They return normal blood glucose levels.

Stevia contains a wide range of substances necessary for humans. These are first of all vitamins - A, C, B1, B2, then elements such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, calcium, sodium, antioxidants, amino acids, mineral compounds and others.

It also contains cellulose, pectin, plant lipids, polysaccharides. Its value as a sweetener is due to the sweet substances contained mainly in the leaves, but also in small quantities in the stems, united under the name Steviol glycosides (Stevioside). In pure form, stevioside is about 200 times sweeter than sugar.

Sweetener Stevia
Sweetener Stevia

According to the spectrum of substances contained, stevia is becoming a universal remedy. It treats diabetes and a breakdown of the immune system.

It is often used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, for stress, gastrointestinal diseases, disorders of the circulatory system. It can easily reduce excess weight and stimulate both physical and mental activity.

Unlike other sweeteners, stevia has been shown to be harmless. It can be used both as a dried herb and in the form of an aqueous, alcoholic and oily extract.
