Lapacho Against Cancer

Lapacho Against Cancer
Lapacho Against Cancer

Lapacho are trees that grow in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and South America and are known by many names - ant tree, tecoma and others. The trees reach a height of 40 meters, and the scientific name is Tabebuia.

The inner part of the bark is used to prepare a tincture. The locals treat various health problems with it - fatigue, cough, anemia. Lapacho tincture is also believed to cure cancer.

Studies on the healing properties of the tree began in 1960 - over the next few decades in the Brazilian press appeared information about the tree. The articles praise the properties of the paw - it describes various cases of patients who have been cured of arthritis, diabetes and even cancer.

According to information, lapacho reduces pain and helps increase red blood cells in the body. Lapacho stimulates the immune system, regulates heart activity, cleanses the body and protects against infections, the articles claim. The tincture of the bark, if applied topically, can heal infected wounds and eczema, according to other publications.


Scientists have studied the biochemical properties of the tree and found many biologically active substances, including lapachol. It is an organic substance that is classified as naphthoquinone, and animal experiments have shown that lapachola helps treat malaria.

It also has a powerful effect against cancer cells in a certain type - in epithelial tumors and leukemia, lapahol is not active.

Lapacho stimulates the formation of red blood cells and improves oxygen circulation in the body, according to various studies. The bark of the tree contains more than 20 active elements.

Dried lapacho
Dried lapacho

Lapacho bark destroys cancer cells in the lungs, according to publications. For this purpose, the bark must be boiled for a minimum of eight minutes to obtain the active substances from the extract.

Another study was conducted in the 1970s, in which volunteers took part. Lapacho bark does not have toxic effects on the liver or kidneys, but if taken in larger doses, it can cause side effects. The study again confirmed the anticancer properties of the bark.

In Canada, the Department of Health classified lapacho as a potent drug and seized the bark from over-the-counter sales.

The Bureau of Technology Evaluation of the United States Congress published in September 1990 the paper Non-Traditional Methods of Cancer Treatment. There is a paragraph about lapacho in the publication, the title is An Ancient Plant - a Modern Miracle.
