Here Is The Culprit For Your Frantic Desire For Sweets

Here Is The Culprit For Your Frantic Desire For Sweets
Here Is The Culprit For Your Frantic Desire For Sweets

The frantic desire for sweets can be deceptive! Chocolate and various pastries are among our main sweet temptations. But this need can occur when there is a low content of chromium in the body. It is found mainly in shrimp, mushrooms, broccoli, apple peel and yeast.

Chromium acts to increase the secretion of insulin in the human body. Insulin is an enzyme that breaks down sugar in the body. Chromium suppresses the craving for sweet temptations and lowers blood sugar.

It is useful for both diabetics and diets for weight loss.

Its mechanism of action is very simple. When the body absorbs complex carbohydrates, they are broken down into simple or so-called glucose.

Glucose is absorbed into the blood and raises sugar levels, which in turn triggers the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and this leads to lower blood sugar.

Chromium enhances the action of insulin in this case and so with a smaller amount of the enzyme regulates blood sugar. In this case, the opposite condition, hypoglycemia, may occur less frequently. If the secreted insulin is white more than necessary, then the body may continue to feel the need to get jam and a person can swallow huge amounts.


But thanks to chromium, this effect is reduced. If there is a lack of chromium in the body, there is also a problem with the nerves. Therefore, chromium is also useful for people under stress.

By regulating blood sugar, the risk of a number of other diseases is reduced. Among them are atherosclerosis, obesity, the appearance of cardiovascular problems.

Chromium is especially useful in both nursing mothers and the elderly. So don't forget to eat the apples with the peels!
