Fast Food Is The Culprit For Acne In Adults

Fast Food Is The Culprit For Acne In Adults
Fast Food Is The Culprit For Acne In Adults

Improper nutrition leads to an acne boom in the elderly. This is shown by official data. Along with an unbalanced diet, stress and pollution also help to increase this problematic skin condition by as much as two hundred percent.

Skin problems of this type are initially associated with hormonal changes. That is why they are most common in young people during puberty. Nowadays, however, they are increasingly seen in adults because of the hectic and stressful daily life, causing great stress to society.

This statement is proved by a study of 92 private dermatological clinics. The study shows that there is an increase of 214 percent in cases of skin disease in adults.

It also turns out that every third person over the age of 35 has acne problems. It is also noteworthy that 9 percent of those who seek help are even over 55 years old.


According to dermatological clinics, the number of people who want to remove blemishes on their face if it appeared during puberty has also increased significantly.

Stress, as well as the effects of hormones, is one of the main causes of acne, experts say. They recall that the impact of food should also not be underestimated.

All these fatty and poor quality foods and the so-called fast food have a detrimental effect on both the body and the appearance of the skin. To a large extent, the culprits for skin problems are chocolate, pasta desserts, alcohol, red meat, milk, dairy products and animal fats in general.

According to experts, if these products are excluded from the menu, or at least drastically reduced, and in their place begin to be present foods such as fish, cabbage, apricots, tomatoes, raisins, prunes, leafy vegetables would be great results.

For a faster effect, the use of different types of spices is recommended, including turmeric, cumin, basil, oregano, dill, bay leaf, ginger, rosemary, cardamom.
