How To Make Buttermilk

How To Make Buttermilk
How To Make Buttermilk

Buttermilk is also called butanica or mutan. It is a milk drink, similar to kefir, traditional for Bulgaria. But in no case should be confused with kefir. It is obtained in the process of home-extracted butter obtained from equal amounts of fresh and yoghurt.

In the most common version it is made from cow's milk, but it is possible to make it from goat's, sheep's and buffalo's milk. The difference with kefir is in its thicker consistency and the presence of a higher percentage of fat. Store mainly in cool places.

The taste of fresh buttermilk is sweet, but after a day or two fermentation acquires its typical sour-sharp taste. In the past, buttermilk was widespread, especially in the summer months. In recent years, however, this drink has been replaced by kefir, mainly due to the industrialization and increase in the share of urban population, as well as because of the easier and faster way of preparation.


Necessary products

Equal amounts of fresh and yoghurt (can be prepared only from yoghurt), suitable container - butyne (cylindrical wooden container with a plunger or aluminum, with a rotating handle, you can use the most common jar of 0.8 ml.), water.

Homemade buttermilk
Homemade buttermilk

Method of preparation

The milk is placed in the selected container, and their temperature should be around 36-38 degrees to make it easier to separate the butter. A small amount of water is added, about 1: 3 to the amount of milk. He starts beating with the plunger or shaking the jar for about half an hour. The purpose is to form a yellow layer of oil on the surface.

It peels off and the liquid under it is buttermilk. It is a by-product of the separation of butter from milk. Cool and it is best to leave it to ferment for a few days. Then it is best to drink, as its taste and useful qualities are enhanced many times over.

There are many recipes that include buttermilk. However, due to its difficulty in finding, it is best to make it your home. If it doesn't happen the first time, don't despair - it has taken our grandparents years to master this technology.
