What Is Buttermilk Good For?

What Is Buttermilk Good For?
What Is Buttermilk Good For?

The traditional Bulgarian milk drink - buttermilk, although already forgotten, has indisputable benefits for the human body.

The drink, resembling kefir, contains about 3% protein, 3-4% sugar, very little fat - about 0.2 - 0.5% and a large amount of lactic acid.

In our country buttermilk is used as a cooling and healing drink. As it is rich in lactic acid, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis and has a laxative effect.

The milk drink also contains carbon dioxide and has a weak diuretic effect.

Buttermilk is recommended in the treatment of constipation, intestinal disorders, liver, bile and kidney diseases.

This drink is a great cleanser used in procedures for complete purification of the body.

It can even be given as water to all healing patients. However, the milk drink is not well tolerated by people with gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and those who usually complain of heartburn.

What is buttermilk good for?
What is buttermilk good for?

Buttermilk is obtained in the process of extracting butter from equal amounts of fresh and yogurt. Compared to kefir, buttermilk has a thicker consistency. The drink must be stored cold.

Milk and dairy products are among the most widely used foods in healthy eating because they contain almost all the necessary nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, salts, enzymes.

It is preferable to eat buttermilk made from cow's milk, as its proteins and fats are much easier to absorb by the body, do not require much processing, as a result of which the digestive system is not overloaded.

According to nutritionists, up to 1 liter of milk a day does not burden the heart and metabolism.

Unfortunately, buttermilk today can hardly be found on the shelves of grocery stores. Fans of the drink can buy it rather from small towns, where the elderly have still preserved the traditions of producing the valuable milk drink.
