Natural Substances In Carrots Fight Cancer

Natural Substances In Carrots Fight Cancer
Natural Substances In Carrots Fight Cancer

It turns out that carrots, in addition to quite tasty vegetables, are also especially useful. According to scientists, they may contain the key to defeating cancer and other malignancies.

The new weapon to fight cancer is called polyacetylin. It is a compound that is produced naturally by a number of plants to protect against various pests and diseases.

It is found only in vegetables from the carrot family and some close relatives of ginseng.

For years, doctors have been testing the effects of polyacetylenes on various types of inflammation and cancer.

Tests have shown that the substance on the one hand has a beneficial effect on the whole body, and on the other - stops the development of tumor cells.

Eating carrots
Eating carrots

When scientists discovered this, they began a large-scale three-year study to further study the effects of the use of root vegetables such as carrots, celery and parsnips.

According to one of the authors of the discovery, Dr. Kristen Brand of the research team at the University of Newcastle, it is important to test the effect of polyethylene on humans once its beneficial effects on animals have been established.

The purpose of the tests on volunteers is to determine exactly how much carrots they must be consumed in order to see real health benefits.

Dr. Brand's team has extensive experience in this area. In a previous study, they found that orange vegetables were rich in another anti-cancer compound, falcarinol.

Laboratory tests then showed that the use of falcarinol could lead to tumor shrinkage in rats by nearly one-third.

Unfortunately, it turned out that this substance, like vitamin C, is water-soluble and is lost during elementary heat treatment.

Consumption of carrots
Consumption of carrots

At the time, scientists recommended that carrots be cooked whole, thus increasing their anti-cancer properties by 25 percent.

In fact, carrots are extremely rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain a unique combination of sugars, easily soluble proteins, many vitamins A, B, B1, B2, D, E, K, PP.

In addition, they contain organic acids, essential oils, minerals and trace elements such as iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, iodine and cobalt.

Regular consumption of carrots is not only an excellent prevention against cancer, but also helps to concentrate well and fight daily stress.

It is no coincidence that doctors call it a growth vitamin - it is extremely rich in provitamin A, which is necessary for the proper development of the body of babies and children and is actively involved in building bones and teeth.
