Eat Mangoes To Protect Yourself From Infections

Eat Mangoes To Protect Yourself From Infections
Eat Mangoes To Protect Yourself From Infections

The world's most consumed mango fruit contains substances that protect the body from becoming infected with listeriosis, scientists have found.

Listeriosis is a disease of mammals and birds that affects their nervous system or internal organs. It can be contracted through food of animal origin and vegetables.

Phenolic pure tannin compounds derived from mangoes, as well as found in grape seeds, block various pathogenic strains of bacteria, including listeria, a potentially dangerous bacterium that infects meat.

A few years ago, for example, an epidemic of listeriosis was reported in Canada, which killed 21 people.

Mango fruit
Mango fruit

Mango is ranked fifth in the world in terms of cultivation among the main fruit crops in agriculture. Canadian experts believe that mango can be widely used to develop drugs to combat listeriosis.

The fruits are rich in phytochemicals with high antioxidant potential: carotenoids (alpha and beta-carotene, lutein), polyphenols (quercetin), flavonoids (kaempferol), gallic acid, tannins, ketahins, caffeic acid. Unique to the mango is the xanthone derivative mangiferin.

Mango is the most consumed fruit in the world. Against the bananas he wins with three to one, and against the apple with ten to one!
