Potatoes And Lettuce - A Delicious Healer For Pennies

Potatoes And Lettuce - A Delicious Healer For Pennies
Potatoes And Lettuce - A Delicious Healer For Pennies

Remedies can be found not only in pharmacies. They grow in gardens and flower beds and some of them are our favorite potatoes and lettuce. Their healing properties have long been known. They can heal and help us recover.

Lettuce and potatoes are not only a valuable food, but also a preventive remedy. One can eat from them until they are full, without considering the adverse side effects. They provide the body with a palette of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary plant substances. These qualities make them a daily serving of medicine.

Delicious vegetables can be applied both internally and externally. Ordinary lettuce contains many more nutrients than you might think. Thanks to the fat-soluble milk juice leaves of lettuce can be used for sleep disorders.

Potato salad
Potato salad

Lactukarium has a calming effect directly on the autonomic nervous system and relieves states of excitement and stress. This property leads to easier sleep and peaceful sleep. Instead of taking a pill, make a salad of fresh lettuce leaves with olive oil, salt and lemon. Eat the salad and sleep peacefully.


Potatoes are incorrectly accused of gaining weight. Few people know that they have a healing effect. They supply easily digestible carbohydrates that do not burden the body. Cut into circles or grated, they give a lot of moisture to the skin and thus smooth out wrinkles.

Fresh juice from potatoes stimulates rapid healing from sunburn or other skin burns. In gastrointestinal problems, mashed potatoes have an anti-inflammatory and suppressive effect of gastric juice.

Potato juice
Potato juice

Potato soup has a restorative healing effect in gastrointestinal disorders. For sore throat, persistent cough, acne helps to apply a warm compress with mashed boiled potatoes.

Eat vegetables and stay healthy!
