Delicious With Leeks For Pennies

Delicious With Leeks For Pennies
Delicious With Leeks For Pennies

When autumn comes, we start to feel a little sad, because we will forget about the sunny rural tomatoes from our home garden, about fresh cucumbers, home-grown peppers and what not. But you do not need to be sad, because autumn offers us other delicious vegetables such as leeks, cabbage, eggplant, beets and what not in the colors of autumn

Here we will focus entirely on leek, because in addition to being useful and tasty, it is low in calories and has a pronounced diuretic effect. Which means it's a great snack when we know what's "trampling" on us during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

But in addition, leeks have another advantage, which especially for us - the Bulgarians, is not to be underestimated - it is very cheap product. You can find a whole huge link from this leafy vegetable for about BGN 1.50. And because we talked about the financial side of what falls autumn time on our table, here we will give you ideas for 3 delicacies with leeks for pennies.

1. The forgotten folk autumn-winter leek salad

The time of good fresh tomatoes may be over, but you have certainly managed to prepare home-sterilized tomatoes in jars or you have some canned Kupeshki tomatoes. Because for this salad you only need canned tomatoes and finely chopped leeks. Add a little oil and salt to taste. Easy, fast and definitely for pennies.

2. Appetizer of leeks

Here, too, you only need 3 products, but make sure you have mustard. It is even better if it is in grains. Cut the leeks into sticks about 7-8 cm long and quickly stew them in a little oil. Take them out of the pan, arrange them for a few minutes on a kitchen roll so that they can drain off the excess fat, and arrange them on a plate. Sprinkle with a few drops of mustard (the amount depends on how hot it is) and serve.

Delicious with leeks for pennies
Delicious with leeks for pennies

3. Lean casserole of leeks and cabbage

As for the cabbage, it doesn't matter if it is sour or fresh, but if the sauerkraut is not ready yet, keep in mind that the fresh cabbage is stewed for a much longer time until it softens. The idea is this - cut leeks finely and fry them together with the chopped cabbage and a little salt and red pepper. Then transfer them to a clay pot, put it in the oven and bake on low heat until fully cooked. Suitable spices for this lean casserole are bay leaf, cumin and peppercorns, which are good to add while the dish is stewing.
