

Marigold / Calendula / is a genus of plants from the family Compositae, which includes about 20 species. It is distributed in the Mediterranean and in Central Europe. Marigold has been known as an excellent remedy since ancient Greece, and today is one of the most widely used herbs, with a variety of uses in cosmetics and medicine.

Its qualities are revered by the ancient Egyptians, Germans, Hindus, Persians and Americans. The latter widely used marigold during the Civil War to treat open wounds. The name marigold is literally translated into Bulgarian as "not withered".

However, in order to turn a beautiful flower into a medicinal herb, it must go through a special technological process of processing. Marigold is a complex flowering, annual and herbaceous plant that has a poorly developed root. Reaches a height of 50 cm. Blooms from June to August.

Composition of calendula

All parts of the plant contain 0.02% essential oil, 4% mucous substances, about 3% carotenoids, enzymes, alkaloids and phytoncides. Marigold flowers contain the carotenoids lycopene, carotene, rubixanthin, citroxanthin, flavochrome, flavoxanthin and others.

Marigold herb
Marigold herb

Marigold stalks contain tannins, the bitter substance calendula, triterpene faradiol and arnidiol, triterpene saponins, vitamin C and others. Marigold roots contain inulin and triterpene saponins.

Collection and storage of calendula

Marigold grows in shrubs and mostly deciduous forests throughout Bulgaria. Marigold flowers are mainly used for medicinal purposes. The collection of flowers should begin when they are fully bloomed.

The ideal time for harvesting is in the morning, before it gets warm, but after the dew has dried. The flowers should be fresh and uplifted. The collected flowers are dried at room temperature.

Before returning for storage, the flowers must be completely dry, otherwise they will mold. This means that the flowers must be dry and brittle.

Benefits of calendula

Marigold has excellent antimicrobial, blood purifying and anti-allergic action. The essential oil has a complex aroma that dissolves well in fats and alcohol, which explains its widespread use in creams and tinctures.

Marigold has an antispasmodic effect, reducing spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels. This effect is due to the contained flavonoids, which, among other things, help the body deal with various allergens, carcinogens and allergens. This explains the widespread use of the herb in anti-allergic, anti-cancer and anti-viral preparations.

Dried Marigold
Dried Marigold

Bitter substances in marigold stimulate the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, which improves digestion and stimulates appetite. Marigold strengthens the immune system. Phytoncides in calendula have antimicrobial action, and saponins lower blood pressure, helps reduce swelling.

Marigold calms the nervous system, improves the activity of the heart muscle by slowing the heart rate. Taken internally, it can strengthen the lining of the stomach and intestines and even improve their condition in ulcers.

The bactericidal properties of calendula have a beneficial effect against staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogens. Carotene in calendula stops the oxidation of cells and participates in the renewal of mucous membranes and skin. The colors of marigold have a calming effect on the central nervous system, are prescribed for heart disease with arrhythmias.

Taken internally improves liver function, helps with liver disease, inflammation of the colon. Marigold can be used in hypertension and women entering menopause. Helps with diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity.

Folk medicine with calendula

In folk medicine marigold It is also used for cutaneous tuberculosis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, menstrual problems, headache, jaundice, diseases of the spleen.

Dried herb Marigold
Dried herb Marigold

The whole above-ground part of the plant is used - flowers, stems and leaves. In case of genital fungal diseases, washings and baths with marigold.

Marigold infusion

1 tbsp. marigold is poured with 250 ml of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and filtered. The infusion is drunk warm without sweetening. For rinsing, boil 2 tbsp. with 500 ml of water.

Cosmetics with calendula

The soothing, toning and restorative properties of calendula make it an ideal ingredient in various cosmetic skin care products. Marigold oil is suitable for dry skin.

It is especially suitable for the summer season because it protects against additional drying, keeps it healthy and beautiful.

The use of calendula products reduces the risk of skin inflammation. Marigold is also used as an ingredient in makeup remover products.

Marigold ointment is extremely useful for varicose veins, burn wounds or postoperative wounds. It is also a great helper against foot fungus.
