How To Find Out That Your Body Needs Vitamins And Minerals

How To Find Out That Your Body Needs Vitamins And Minerals
How To Find Out That Your Body Needs Vitamins And Minerals

A well-balanced and healthy diet has a number of advantages and benefits. On the other hand, a low-nutrient diet can lead to a variety of painful symptoms.

These symptoms are usually the way your body tells you that something is wrong and that you have a lack of vitamins and minerals. Recognizing them can help you change your eating habits in time.

Keep reading to find out what are the 3 most common signs that will tell you that your body needs more vitamins and minerals.

1. Brittle hair and nails

How to find out that your body needs vitamins and minerals
How to find out that your body needs vitamins and minerals

There are various factors that lead to the appearance of torn ends of hair and brittle nails. One of them is the lack of biotin.

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, helps the body convert food into energy. Biotin deficiency is a rare condition, but when it occurs, brittle nails and brittle hair are some of the most noticeable symptoms.

Others symptoms of biotin deficiency are chronic fatigue, muscle aches, cramps and tingling in the limbs.

Foods with vitamin B7 are egg yolks, fish, meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, whole grains and bananas.

2. Canker sores or cracks in the corners of the mouth

Injuries around the mouth can be associated with insufficient intake of certain vitamins and minerals.

For example, mouth ulcers, also called canker sores, are often the result of a deficiency of iron or B vitamins.

How to find out that your body needs vitamins and minerals
How to find out that your body needs vitamins and minerals

Angular cheilitis is a condition in which the corners of the mouth crack, crack or bleed. The reason for this may be excessive salivation or dehydration. On the other hand, however, this condition can be caused by insufficient intake of iron and B vitamins.

Foods that are sources of iron are poultry, fish, legumes, dark leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

And good sources of thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine are: whole grains, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, green vegetables, high-starch vegetables, nuts and seeds.

3. Bleeding gums

Sometimes rough brushing is at the root of bleeding gums. Vitamin C deficiency can occur in people who consume small amounts of fruits and vegetables for a long time.

This would lead to unpleasant symptoms such as bleeding gums, a weakened immune system, and in more severe cases, tooth loss and scurvy.
