The Seven Principles Of Healthy Eating

The Seven Principles Of Healthy Eating
The Seven Principles Of Healthy Eating

The advice and recommendations of the best nutritionists and nutritionists can be gathered in seven simple rules for a better life.

1. Replace "bad" with "good" fats.

Try to limit saturated fats (fatty meats and whole milk products) as much as possible. The same goes for the trans fats contained in products such as margarine.

The seven principles of healthy eating
The seven principles of healthy eating

On the other hand, you can toast bread with olive oil and generally replace the cooking oil with olive oil or rapeseed oil.

2. Set a vegetarian day of the week. Beans, other legumes, seeds and nuts can replace meat dishes. Make a thick lentil soup and eat it with a slice of wholemeal bread.

3. Eat fish 2 times a week. Salmon, like other oily fish, is a rich source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna - canned or fresh, is also a good option and is cheaper.

4. Add leafy vegetables to your meals as much as possible - more. They are extremely rich in B vitamins, as well as folic acid, iron and fiber.

The seven principles of healthy eating
The seven principles of healthy eating

5. Include whole grain products in your menu. Replace white bakery products with a variety of wholemeal breads. Diets rich in whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

6. Are you a fan of sweets? Satisfy your desires with the most delicious fruit you desire. In addition to being rich in fiber, fruits are also a great source of antioxidants.

The vitamin C they contain helps fight cancer, heart disease, and disease-related diseases such as muscle degeneration.

7. Forget about white foods. In general, most processed to white foods are not very healthy. White rice, for example, raises blood pressure. However, you do not have to limit yourself to all products containing starch. Brown rice and red potatoes are good alternatives.
