Iron In Our Menu

Iron In Our Menu
Iron In Our Menu

Iron is extremely important for our health. Every cell in our body contains iron. The oxygen supply to the tissues is due to the iron contained in the red blood cells, which carry oxidized blood and remove carbon dioxide. The human body uses iron to strengthen its protective functions, to supply energy and to improve the transfer of oxygen to the organs.

Why do we need iron?

Iron is a mineral that is essential for hemoglobin - the substance in the blood responsible for supplying oxygen to the body. Iron supplies oxygen to the muscles, helping them to function properly. In addition, iron helps increase your resistance to stress and disease.

How much iron do we need?

The amount of iron the body needs depends on gender and age. It also depends on the amount of iron that is already stored in the body. If the stored mineral is at high levels, your body absorbs less iron than the foods you eat. Conversely, the ability to absorb iron increases if you do not have enough stored in your body.

Compared to men, women need more iron. It is especially important for women to increase the intake of the mineral during pregnancy and perimenopause.

Iron requirements depend on the specific age. The recommended daily doses are:

Iron in our menu
Iron in our menu

Children - 7-10mg

Youth - 13mg

Girls - 16mg

Women - 16mg (18mg during menstruation)

Pregnant - 30mg

Men - 9mg

Adults - 9mg

What happens if you have low iron levels?

If a person does not get enough iron from the food he eats, he becomes anemic. Anemia is a condition in which the blood has fewer red blood cells. This is because the hemoglobin that makes up red blood cells needs iron to form.

Symptoms of iron deficiency in the body are paleness, intestinal problems, shortness of breath, palpitations and constant fatigue. The lack of iron is also evident in the condition of the nails, which become thinner and more brittle. Mineral deficiency can also lead to ulcers, inflammation of the intestines and hemorrhoids.

Who needs more iron?

The risk group includes:

Iron in our menu
Iron in our menu

Women in menstruation, especially if they have a more painful cycle;

Pregnant and newborn mothers;

Long distance runners;

Strict vegetarians;

People with frequent internal bleeding;

Those who often donate blood;

Which foods are rich in iron?

The iron contained in meat products is easily absorbed by the body. Products containing high levels of easily digestible iron are beef, pork, poultry, fish, mussels and oysters. The mineral is also found in eggs and dairy products.

Iron is also found in some plants. However, the absorption of the mineral from products of plant origin (fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains) becomes more difficult. The largest amounts of iron are found in dried beans and peas, dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale), dried fruits, nuts and seeds.

There are also certain products that reduce your body's ability to absorb iron. Drinking coffee or tea with food can reduce the absorption of the mineral by up to 60%. The same goes for the phosphates contained in carbonated beverages.

Therefore, it is necessary to focus not only on what to get iron in your body, but also what to limit, in order to preserve the functions of your body to absorb the valuable mineral.
