Bananas For A Healthy Stomach

Bananas For A Healthy Stomach
Bananas For A Healthy Stomach

Eating bananas has many health benefits - they are not only recommended for diabetics and those on a diet, as this fruit is high in calories.

It is known that bananas have a dense structure and definitely saturate. Eating a banana a day can charge the body with the energy needed for the day, experts say.

Due to the high levels of potassium and magnesium contained in the yellow fruit, bananas help protect the heart as well as maintain healthy blood pressure levels. In addition to these benefits, bananas also have an anti-acid effect, ie they protect the body from stomach ulcers.

The yellow fruit contains a compound called a protease inhibitor - it protects the stomach from harmful bacteria that subsequently cause stomach problems.

It is also known that bananas stimulate cell proliferation - it thickens the gastric mucosa and acts as a kind of barrier to acids.


Consumption of bananas not only maintains heart function, but also helps to restore lost amounts of potassium. Fructooligosaccharides, which are contained in bananas, stimulate the growth of the so-called. good bacteria in the gut.

The carotenoids contained in the fruit help to protect against the development of chronic diseases. And despite all the useful ingredients in bananas, these fruits are not particularly suitable for breakfast, recent studies show.

Bananas eaten in the morning can provoke a violation of the created balance between magnesium and calcium. This in turn can lead to cardiovascular disease, experts say.

In addition to bananas in our morning diet, we should also avoid yogurt, oranges, persimmons and tomatoes. Cucumbers, peppers or cabbage are also not recommended. Sweet potatoes are the cause of heaviness in the stomach, so they also fall out as an option.

In addition, to have a healthy stomach, it is good to skip cold drinks at breakfast, as well as the consumption of products that contain large amounts of sugar.
