Which Chestnuts Are Edible?

Which Chestnuts Are Edible?
Which Chestnuts Are Edible?

Chestnuts, which are decorative, are a type of horse chestnut, and are used only for parks and gardens. In some cities, horse chestnuts are planted along the sidewalks because they bloom very beautifully with flowers that look like candles.

Horse chestnuts are not used for food, these chestnuts are poisonous to humans. They look very appetizing, but in no case should be eaten.

Sweet chestnuts are used for eating, which are the fruits of the sweet chestnut tree. The French are known for cultivating chestnuts, to which a special holiday is even dedicated every year.

Sweet chestnuts are quite high in calories, but contain less fat than walnuts, peanuts and almonds. Sweet chestnuts contain many minerals, as well as starch, sugar, B vitamins, vitamins A and C.

Decorative chestnuts
Decorative chestnuts

Sweet chestnuts contain up to 5 percent fat, but carbohydrates are 62 percent. One hundred grams of sweet chestnuts contain about 180 calories.

The easiest and most popular way to prepare chestnuts is to roast them on the grill, but chestnuts are used to make delicious soups, souffles and creams. Chestnuts are also served as a side dish to meat, and are also used to stuff various birds. Chestnut sauce is popular in France.

To make roasted chestnuts, pre-cut the top of each chestnut so that it does not crack during roasting. Bake the chestnuts for 15 minutes in the oven. Then peel and sprinkle with melted butter.

Chicken with chestnuts
Chicken with chestnuts

For the preparation of desserts and dishes, the chestnuts are cut lightly and left to boil for 4 minutes in boiling water. Then you need to remove not only the bark of chestnuts, but also the brown skin that is under it. They can then be subjected to additional culinary processing.

If you want to eat boiled chestnuts after cleaning them, pour cold water over them and cook for 20 minutes until soft. Drain the chestnuts from the water and return to the pot, cover with a lid and wrap with a towel. Serve with melted butter.

Chestnut puree is made by pre-cooked for 4 minutes and cleaned chestnuts are boiled in boiling meat broth for 15 minutes. Then mash to a puree, add salt, cream, butter and a little nutmeg. This is how meat sauce is obtained.

To make a sweet sauce, the chestnuts are boiled in sweetened milk, mashed and the puree is diluted with liquid cream or warm milk.
