The Types Of Edible Mushrooms In Bulgaria

The Types Of Edible Mushrooms In Bulgaria
The Types Of Edible Mushrooms In Bulgaria

Mushrooms have been known to man as a plant food since ancient times. Originally all mushrooms were wild, today some species of wild mushrooms are cultivated. Mushrooms are divided into edible and poisonous. We will dwell in more detail on edible mushrooms in Bulgaria.

Edible mushrooms

We need to define the term edible mushroom. This is the mushroom that people use for food because of the excellent nutritional value it has. This plant product is distinguished by its specific aroma and taste. Some of edible mushrooms are delicacies and have a high price. An edible mushroom is the fruiting body. Edible mushrooms are cultivated and wild.

Cultivated mushrooms

Cultivated mushrooms are food for humans of great importance. Half a million tons of cultivated mushrooms are consumed on our continent alone every year. Their nutritional value can be compared only with that of vegetables.

Mushrooms are a substitute for meat
Mushrooms are a substitute for meat

The water content in them is very high, over 92 percent. In terms of the amount of protein it contains, the mushroom rivals meat. For this reason, the assimilation of mushrooms is difficult, they are a heavy food.

Due to the useful substances in mushrooms, they are a very preferred food product by vegetarians. They are often used as a meat substitute in sandwiches, pizzas, spaghetti and other dishes. Fiber, carbohydrates, useful amino acids, mineral salts and enzymes in mushrooms make them one of the super foods.

In addition to the limited variety of cultivated mushrooms, there is a huge wealth of wild mushroom species. Wild species are divided into edible and poisonous. Unfortunately the most delicious edible mushrooms have their poisonous counterparts, some of which are so toxic that their consumption leads to food poisoning and certain death.

Wild edible mushrooms


Wild edible mushrooms are one of the natural resources of our country, as almost a third of the territory is occupied by mountains and forests, which are home to wild mushrooms. The edible representatives are over 200 species. The most economically significant is the mushroom. We will focus on some of the most edible mushrooms collected in our country.


This beautiful, flavorful and highly prized mushroom has a grayish colored cap, which can also be found in ocher. The shape of the hemisphere is characteristic of the mushroom cap. It is fleshy, with a very rich taste. When cut, it turns blue.


Mushroom crows foot
Mushroom crows foot

The duck's foot is probably the most common mushroom and is collected a lot by mushroom pickers, it is the subject of increased commercial activity. It has a yellow-orange color and a thinner and pleated hat. The stump is tall, fleshy and tough when eaten. This mushroom is very popular because it carries the aroma of the forest and resembles the taste of berries.


The mushroom is also called a field mushroom with pleasant-tasting meat. It has a spherical and slightly open cap, which spreads more and more when ripe. It is creamy in color, can reach slightly yellow. The flesh of the mushroom is white and quite dense. This mushroom is distinguished by its thick and low stump.

Roe deer

Roe deer mushrooms
Roe deer mushrooms

It has a typical mushroom taste and is very pleasant to eat, so it is among the most sought after species. It is known when it is fully ripe on the hat. It stands perpendicular to the stump, is flat and slightly brownish in color. The stump is very high, with a ring.


Great-tasting mountain mushroom, with a round cap, almost like a ball, brownish in color. It should be sought in coniferous forests, higher in the mountains. It has a low, thick stump with a yellowish color. It has a pleasant fruity taste.
