How To Regulate The Hunger Hormone Ghrelin?

How To Regulate The Hunger Hormone Ghrelin?
How To Regulate The Hunger Hormone Ghrelin?

According to endocrinologists, two of the most important hormones you need to focus on if you want to lose weight and maintain your energy balance are ghrelin and leptin. Many experts call them hunger hormonesbecause they work to either increase or decrease appetite.

It is important to note that we should not play with hormones. But there are safe and effective ways to help us to regulate hunger hormone levels, and thus achieve the desired weight.

You need to know that everyone has a huge influence on their hormones. They respond to changes in diet, exercise and the stress we are subjected to. You do not need to resort to unnatural and harmful methods to lose weight fast. Instead, focus on creating healthy eating habits, controlling stress and exercise.

What is ghrelin?

Ghrelin is the hormonewhich increases appetite. This means that levels rise before meals and fall after.

How is ghrelin secreted?

This process occurs in the stomach and its levels vary depending on food intake. When levels rise, the brain receives a signal that you are hungry. Considered the only appetite stimulating hormone in humans, ghrelin is one of the main culprits for overeating.

What is the effect of ghrelin on growth hormone and metabolism?

Ghrelin and the associated secretions of growth hormone lead to weight gain and fat. How does this happen? One way is by activating the receptors in the hypothalamus that control leptin and insulin sensitivity. The ghrelin sends signals to the brain and when you need to stop eating. This hormone can also affect the endothelial cells of blood vessels.

According to studies ghrelin reduces fat absorption. This hormone is also responsible for whether you will be satisfied with the food you eat.

Ghrelin levels in the body depend on a person's weight. So a diet (especially one in which calorie intake is very low) can lead to increased secretion of ghrelin. This hormone has been found to play a major role in frequent starvation and long-term weight gain.

But the hormone also affects other things:

Ghrelin - a hormone of hunger
Ghrelin - a hormone of hunger

• Regulates growth hormone and insulin secretion;

• Metabolism;

• Metabolism;

• Blood pressure and heart rate;

• Neurogenesis.

More ghrelin is also released during stressful situations. This explains why many people eat when they are nervous.

How to reduce ghrelin levels?

How to make ghrelin work for you? Here are some steps that will help you control the levels of this hormone, respectively - your appetite.

• Don't limit calories too much

Ghrelin levels will rise if you do not eat enough for a long time. That is why many people feel constantly hungry during diets. On the other hand, overeating reduces ghrelin levels, but this should not be your goal (unless you are trying to gain weight).

It has been found that some types of eating habits can to control ghrelin levels - including the consumption of unprocessed products, foods high in fiber and protein.

Ghrelin levels should drop significantly after a meal and remain low for three or more hours before you become hungry again.

If you notice that you are hungry soon after eating or eating something all day, consider whether you are getting enough calories. You may need to increase your intake of protein, healthy fats or fiber from complex (unrefined) carbohydrates. Eat healthy to have energy and so that you do not feel constant hunger.

• Eat foods high in protein

Even if you limit your calorie intake, eating foods high in protein can help control your appetite. It is especially important to eat protein for breakfast. Studies show that protein breakfast is great effect on hunger hormone. In addition, protein helps to lose weight. Consumption of foods high in protein prevents the loss of muscle mass, increases the secretion of satiety hormones, increases the thermal effect of digestion.

• Train

For years, nutritionists have advised doing cardio to lose weight. But recent studies show that just running or walking is not enough. To control your hunger, you need to focus on high-intensity training. This type of exercise can increase muscle mass, which means you can eat more calories without accumulating fat.

Sleep is important for ghrelin control
Sleep is important for ghrelin control

• Get a good night's sleep

Good sleep is associated with better ghrelin and leptin management. Sleep deprivation leads to increased ghrelin levels, and therefore to constant hunger. Experts recommend training early in the morning. Studies show that fasting exercise will have a greater effect and stabilize hormone levels. Exercise early in the morning helps regulate appetite.

• Avoid stress

In addition to changing your diet and including enough exercise, it is important to focus on stress levels. Studies show that if you are restless, ghrelin levels increase. In other words, to lose weight and maintain your weight over time, you need to reduce stressful situations. Chronic stress increases your appetite, especially for harmful foods. It also leads to other bad habits such as overeating, drinking more alcohol and lack of sleep.

• Avoid processed foods

Processed and refined foods may be delicious, but they are usually high in calories and low in nutrients. Frequent consumption of these foods leads to overeating. When you eat, your stomach sends signals to your brain that tell you when to stop.

Studies show that when you eat highly processed foods, the brain does not receive signals that you are full.

Which foods lead to overeating?

To control the hunger hormone, do not eat sweets
To control the hunger hormone, do not eat sweets

• Cakes, donuts, biscuits and other pastries;

• Soft carbonated drinks;

• Pizza;

• Foods with white flour;

• Chocolate, ice cream, candy;

• Snacks, chips, french fries, etc.;

• Fried foods.

Try to balance your hormone levels naturally, not through supplements and medications. Following the above rules, you will soon say goodbye to extra pounds.
