They Allowed The Cheese With Substitutes

They Allowed The Cheese With Substitutes
They Allowed The Cheese With Substitutes

At the end of last year, a controversial Ordinance on milk production was adopted. The purpose of this regulation was to limit the simultaneous production in dairies of milk products and substitutes.

According to the ordinance strongly criticized by milk producers and milk processors in Bulgarian dairies, the simultaneous production of milk products and products containing vegetable fats. However, such restrictions do not apply to imported dairy products.

Sheep cheese
Sheep cheese

Already with the offering of restrictive texts, a number of leading manufacturers of milk and dairy products declared themselves against the absurd ordinance and the restrictions it places on Bulgarian producers. The highly criticized texts of the ordinance were submitted for discussion to the parliamentary committee on agriculture personally by the then Minister of Agriculture and Forestry - Miroslav Naydenov.

Despite the criticism of the representatives of the Bulgarian business, who spoke strongly against the inadmissible state interference in the regulation of this food sector, as well as the imposition of restrictions on Bulgarian producers, the ministry did not back down.

Cheese with substitutes
Cheese with substitutes

The scandalous ordinance, which puts Bulgarian milk processors and milk producers at a disadvantage, was voted on and adopted. A broad media campaign sought to present the new regulation as public health-oriented and adopted exclusively in the interests of milk and dairy products.

Several major Bulgarian dairy farmers have attacked the discriminatory ordinance in the administrative court. The evidence presented during the case proves that the texts of the ordinance received sharp comments from many member states of the European Union (EU), incl. Spain, France, Germany.

Goat cheese
Goat cheese

Data presented during the court hearing show that on August 29, two days after the promulgation of the ordinance, the European Commission sent its observations on the existence of existing contradictions between the specific ordinance and existing legal norms in the EU.

A decision of the Supreme Administrative Court from the beginning of April annulled the ordinance as illegal at first instance. The case was filed on the complaint of Trakia Dairy Products, the National Association of Dairy Processors in Bulgaria, Kodap and Bulgarian Cheese.

In the reasons for its decision, the three-member panel of the SAC states that Bulgaria cannot violate the European procedures for coordination of internal regulatory mechanisms.

The repeal of the ordinance may be challenged before a five-member panel of the SAC within fourteen days of its promulgation.
