The Chinese Call Tea Virgin

The Chinese Call Tea Virgin
The Chinese Call Tea Virgin

The Chinese, who are known for their love of drinking tea, call different types of tea leaves differently. When they take the variety of the bush from which the leaves are collected as the basis of the name, there are two types - "cut melon" and "hairy spears".

There is also a categorization according to the shape of the tea leaf. When rolled up, the tea leaf is called differently.

This can be "lotus", "water nut", "pearl", "silver down".

The Chinese also distinguish the places of tea production. For example, Dun Tin tea is not only known in this way, but also as "emerald spring spirals from Dun Tin".

The description of the tea does not need to be modest, because according to the Chinese, this drink deserves only praise and should not be underestimated.

That is why "emerald spirals" are also known by another name - "soul-shaking aroma", and "hairy spears" have an even more complicated name: "a virgin with skin like ivory swims in the morning calm of the lake".

Aromatic Tea
Aromatic Tea

Other names for the different types of tea are "decent endurance", "happy proportion", "return of calm", "long life".

Chinese Blossom tea is especially popular in Europe, which is a fragrant tea with jasmine flowers. It is ideal for consumption in its pure form.

Ceylon blend, which is made from different varieties of Ceylon tea, has a light color and light aroma, with a hint of tart taste. Assam is an Indian tea that after brewing becomes dark red, with a slightly tightening taste in the mouth. It goes well with fresh milk.

Earl Gray is the name of every light tea, especially Chinese, which is flavored with bergamot. It is best suited for drinking with lemon. English Blend is a mixture of Indian and Ceylon tea, and to fresher its aroma, Indonesian tea is added.

English Breakfast traditionally consists of Indian and Kenyan teas. It is very dark in color and is very suitable if you are tired, because it tones and refreshes. It goes well with milk and also with lemon.
