Vegan - Why Do They Call It 1 Month Of The Year?

Vegan - Why Do They Call It 1 Month Of The Year?
Vegan - Why Do They Call It 1 Month Of The Year?

Have you ever heard the country word Veganif not, then now we will explain to you what it is. In fact, the idea for Vegan was born in 2014, and the goal is to spread the benefits of veganism for the body and nature along with it.

Vegan - why do they call it 1 month of the year?

As you may have guessed, the word comes from the combination of "vegan" and "January", and the beginning of the year is the perfect time to clear our minds, but also to change the way of eating healthier and more humane than millions. animals around the world whose population is constantly declining.

Every year, more than 1 million people join this challenge, going beyond their usual comfort zone and stopping consuming products of animal origin, namely meat, fish, dairy, eggs. If you have decided to join Vegan January, albeit with a slight delay, then we hope that the next few delicious vegan recipes will inspire and motivate you.

Three vegan recipes for Vegan

Sweet potato pizza

Healthy pizza recipes had made a lot of noise last year. For example, pizza with cauliflower dough, and maybe you've even tried them. Today we offer you a more interesting idea, namely the advanced sweet potato pizza, which is not only healthy but also very useful.

Vegan pizza
Vegan pizza

Required ingredients:

- 150 grams of baked sweet potatoes;

- 20 grams of coconut flour;

- 10 grams of pea protein powder;

- salt and your favorite spices⁣ to taste.

Method of preparation:

1. Bake the sweet potatoes you have, placing them in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 35-40 minutes or more if your oven is weaker. You can do this from the night before, and then use baked sweet potatoes cold, as this makes it easier to shape;

2. Then mash the potatoes and add all the spices as well as the flour, forming a dough that should not be sticky;

3. Make a thin sheet of dough and place it on baking paper;

4. Bake it in a preheated 150-160 degree oven for about 15 minutes;

5 Carefully turn it over to bake for another 10 minutes on the other side;

6. Spread the vegan pizza as desired, and you can arrange it with tofu, olives and pickled mushrooms, not forgetting our favorite tomato sauce.

Bulgur with vegetables

Vegan salad
Vegan salad

Another easy one, but amazing delicious vegan recipewhich will caress all your receptors and take you to the land of healthy eating.

Necessary products:

- 1 tsp. bulgur;

- 1 zucchini;

- 1 handful of raisins;

- 2 tsp. masses of choice;

- 1 handful of coconut chips;

- 1 tsp. salt and pepper;

- 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes;

- 1 handful of arugula;

- 3 tbsp. coconut oil;

- juice of 1/2 lemon.

Method of preparation:

1. First boil the bulgur, it is important that it swells well and becomes fluffy, using 1 cup of water;

2. Then add the coconut oil, masala, a handful of raisins and coconut, tomatoes, stirring constantly until the coconut becomes darker;

3. Your next step is to put the thinly sliced and flavored with a little salt and pepper zucchini in a pan that is preheated well;

4. Put bulgur, vegetables in a salad bowl and add a little arugula for color, and also add lemon juice to taste if desired.

Buddha's Cup

Our latest suggestion for Vegan is no less tempting and delicious. With it you will easily diversify your menu and try a different combination of useful but also very tasty ingredients.

Vegan recipe
Vegan recipe

Required ingredients:

- 400 grams of cooked chickpeas;

- ½ tsp turmeric;

- 1 piece of cucumber;

- 2 tbsp. olive oil;

- 2 avocados;

- 200 grams of cherry tomatoes;

- ½ tsp cayenne pepper;

- salt and pepper to taste.

For the dressing:

- 1 lemon;

- 50-60 grams of sesame tahini;

- 2 tbsp. sesame seeds.

Method of preparation:

1. Your first task is to cut the cucumber and everything else;

2. Prepare dressings from the necessary ingredients;

3. Arrange all the ingredients of this dish in a beautiful plate and finally pour the dressing over it, and you can also add roasted sesame. Sprinkle with the indicated vegetable spices.

Now you know how you can surprise yourself in Vegenuari and diversify your menu or surprise your loved ones who have decided to stick to vegetarianism and veganism. In any case, it is worth trying these healthy recipes at least once, because from the first meal you will fall in love with their rich and rich taste.
