Buffalo Milk Protects Against Anemia

Buffalo Milk Protects Against Anemia
Buffalo Milk Protects Against Anemia

We talk about anemia when the amount of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and / or hemoglobin, which is part of the cells and carries oxygen to the body, is reduced in the body. If the values of iron in the body are normal, then the functioning of the body is correct and there will be good physical activity, reactive mental activity, energy.

In addition, the mineral supports the immune system by protecting the body and strengthening its overall health. However, if for some reason the gas exchange is disturbed, various diseases and a feeling of fatigue appear. Iron deficiency can cause shortness of breath, difficulty performing physical activity, difficulty concentrating and more.

There are a number of advantages of buffalo milk over cow's milk, although the nutritional values are the same for both species. Buffalo milk is low in cholesterol, but has more protein, important minerals and vitamins, and is better absorbed by the body.

In buffalo milk, the cholesterol content is 0.65 mg / g, unlike cow's milk, where it is 3.14 mg / g. It contains less water and more fat, which is good for the body. The proteins in buffalo milk are 2.74 and in cow's milk 2.49.

Of the important minerals and vitamins here are calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, Vitamin C, which are in a much higher ratio than cow's milk.

The content of more iron and vitamin B12 in buffalo milk makes it very useful in people with anemia, for whom it is important to eat foods high in iron. And vitamin B12 is needed because it is involved in building red blood cells.


Buffalo milk also contains high levels of the natural antioxidant tocopherol (vitamin E), which is widely used to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and to prevent cardiovascular disease. In addition, vitamin E protects red blood cells from destruction and consequent anemia.

Buffalo milk makes bones healthier, supports dental health, is suitable for diets, is a good helper in weight reduction, supports the function of the thyroid gland, heart and anemia to restore the normal balance of iron components in the body.

Buffalo milk together with the products made from it are extremely useful for people of all ages. It has a beneficial effect on the regulation of intestinal peristalsis, improves metabolism and increases appetite.
