Wine In Spanish Cuisine

Wine In Spanish Cuisine
Wine In Spanish Cuisine

Wine plays an important role in Spanish cuisine, as it is used not only for drinking, but also as an addition to some of the most sophisticated Spanish dishes. It is no coincidence that Spain is the third European wine producer, preceded only by Italy and France.

In quality, however wine from Spanish producers in no way inferior to that of its neighbors. Here's what would be interesting to learn about spanish wine and his role in the kitchen:

1. When Spaniards choose what wine to cook their specialties with, they always choose premium wines. During cooking with them, they leave behind a perfect aroma and taste, and its alcoholism evaporates. There is no way to cook something tasty if you use low-quality wine.

2. Winemaking in Spain has centuries-old traditions. The climate and geographical features of the country are ideal for growing different varieties.

3. Among the most popular varieties grown in Spain are Grenache, Tempranillo, Maccabeo and Masuelo, the former being particularly suitable for rosette and aged wines.

white spanish cava wine
white spanish cava wine

4. Very popular in cooking is coffee, which is a type of Spanish sparkling wine. Catalonia is considered to be its main center of production, but it is well represented in other parts of Spain. The famous Spanish stewed chicken is prepared with cava.

5. For best Spanish wine points to the 10-year-old Vega Sicily Unico Gran Reserve, which only the rich can afford. It is a blend of the varieties Criado and Tempranillo.

6. Among the traditional household utensils used by the Spaniards is the so-called poron. It is a glass wine container that resembles a bottle with a tube at one end. The wine is drunk directly from it, but it is quite difficult for beginners, as it is not certain that the liquid will get directly into your mouth.

7. Generally speaking, more common wines are produced in the central parts of Spain, while in the northern parts the emphasis is on table wines, and in the southern parts on desserts and aperitifs.

8. It is good to consume Spanish wines with some of the traditional Spanish sausages such as chorizo, morsilla, sobrasada, chistora and others.
