The Heart Enjoys Peanuts

The Heart Enjoys Peanuts
The Heart Enjoys Peanuts

Consumption of peanuts turns out to be a blessing for the heart. A new US study by scientists from Loma Linda University claims that a packet of peanuts a day can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The study involved 600 volunteers who consumed an average of 67 g of nuts a day for 3 to 8 weeks. The results showed that nuts reduced the level of fatty matter by 7.4 percent, leading to clogged arteries and an increased risk of heart attack.

The level of triglycerides also improved in the volunteers. These are fats that circulate in the bloodstream and are associated with heart disease. Overweight participants had a bad effect on peanuts.

Peanuts are rich in the so-called. "useful" fats, as well as fiber and vitamin E.

University scientists warn that nuts are more useful raw. They will not have the same effect if they are salted or processed in some way - for example with sugar or chocolate glaze. However, scientists warn that their discovery should not limit you in the use of nuts.

It's all a matter of proper dosage, as overeating with nuts can lead to obesity.
