Monk Is The New Sugar Substitute

Monk Is The New Sugar Substitute
Monk Is The New Sugar Substitute

Recently, the market has been flooded with sugar substitutes. Using them is good for our health and changes our overall attitude towards what we eat. However, artificial sweeteners are often associated with many diseases and some cancers. Therefore, it was necessary to look for natural ones.

One of the relatively unknown sugar substitutes is called monk and is a delicious fruit. His fans define it as the best alternative. He is expected to be sitting next to stevia soon.

The monk fruit comes from southern China and is a green, oval ball resembling a melon. In his homeland it is widely used in folk medicine. It is used for sore throats, coughs, flu and others.

The name of the fruit comes from English and means "monk". This is because the fruit was first used by Chinese monks in the 13th century. It is also associated with longevity, as the monk originates from an area with a significant number of those who have reached and outlived 100 years.


Locals claim that the fruit is useful only if it is raw.

It is difficult, but still possible, to find monk extract. However, other substances are found in it - sugar, molasses, sugar alcohol and others. Due to the growing interest, it is assumed that we will soon be able to easily get a pure monk.

Sweetening with monk is a good idea, but not suitable for everyone. Some people do not like it because they feel a slightly bitter and unpleasant aftertaste after taking it. This is probably due to individual taste buds, as other monks immediately become a favorite sweetener. Acquaintances say that the fruit can completely replace the sweet.

The sweeteners with monk extract that can be found today are not the most natural and pure option. If you are still interested in natural substitutes, do not stop to inform yourself in this regard.
