Why Is Chicken Soup Useful For Flu And Colds?

Why Is Chicken Soup Useful For Flu And Colds?
Why Is Chicken Soup Useful For Flu And Colds?

Chicken soup is one of the most popular remedies for flu and colds. Historical chronicles show that various peoples took advantage of its miraculous influence many centuries ago.

It was not until the twelfth century that it was prescribed as a medicine to a patient by a physician. But even then, doctors could not say for sure what the secret of its magical effect was. To date, however, the mystery has finally been solved.

After a study, scientists from the University of Nebraska finally managed to find out exactly how this dish manages to overcome colds. According to them, the strength of chicken soup is rooted mostly in a substance that is hidden in it and is known as carnosine.

It strengthens the immunity and helps him cope with disease processes. At the same time, it fills the whole body with tone and enough energy and eventually gets us back on our feet.

In addition, the composition of each component involved in the soup helps to deal with the flu faster. As a rule, in addition to chicken, carrots, onions, garlic, dill, parsley, lemon juice and black pepper are added to this dish.

By themselves, they are also sources of important substances such as vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium and others.


In a study conducted with volunteers, it became clear exactly how the heat affects chicken soup in colds, flu, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Scientists have found that this nutritious food makes it much easier to move and excrete stuck tough secretions, thus helping to clear the airways.

According to scientists, chicken soup is far more useful than bland chicken broth and should never be replaced by it alone. It can be taken preventively during the flu season, as well as during the illness.

Doctors advise chicken soup to be prepared and taken at the first beginnings of influenza, expressed by fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, fever, headache, cough, watery discharge from the nose, etc. Only in this way will the condition be controlled in time.
