Fish That Are Harmful To Health

Fish That Are Harmful To Health
Fish That Are Harmful To Health

Fish, so delicious and so healthy, is a mandatory part of the menu of young and old. There is, however 9 prohibited species of fishwhich are rather harmful to health.

There are even fish on the list that are recommended by experts as healthy. You will see for yourself what they are doing here. Here are the 9 types forbidden to eat fishto beware of:


As they are almost entirely composed of fat, eels easily absorb industrial and agricultural waste from the water. The most polluted are the American species. European eels also have a large amount of mercury in their composition. That is why the monthly norm for an adult is at most 300 g, and for a child - 200 g.


This fish is not recommended for eating at all. In our country, pangasius in stores is a direct import from Vietnam and more precisely - the Mekong River. It is considered one of the most polluted water bodies in the world. In addition, this type of fish has particularly high levels of nitrofurazone and polyphosphates, which are carcinogenic.

Tilefish sea fish

It is the leader in mercury pollution. It is usually fished in violation of the rules. It has been banned from hunting for some time due to the increased risk of poisoning. If you still want to try it, the daily dose for men should not exceed 100 g. For children and women is prohibited.


Not recommended. This fish has the ability to grow significantly. Therefore, fishermen give catfish hormones. This is especially true for catfish in Asian countries. There is nothing wrong with eating catfish, but much less dangerous to health are free-range catfish.



It also contains severe levels of mercury. It is mostly in red and black tones. Therefore, the maximum monthly dose of tuna is 100 g. This fish is not recommended for children. The percentage of free-range tuna in stores is very small. In nature, it is almost extinct. The production comes from farms where the fish are fed hormones and antibiotics.


Mercury accumulates in it. When it enters the human body, it is not discarded or assimilated and leads to disease. Therefore, the monthly dose is 200 g for an adult and 100 g for children. Atlantic mackerel is the least dangerous. You can eat from it in unlimited quantities.


This fish is especially dangerous for people suffering from heart disease, asthma and arthritis. The fatty acids in it are not healthy, but on the other hand the boiling fats are comparable to those concentrated in lard. Excessive consumption of fish of this type leads to increased cholesterol levels. It also makes the body more sensitive to allergens.

Sea bass

As it also contains a sufficient amount of mercury, the monthly dose is 200 g for an adult and no more than 100 g for children.

Silver dollar

Better known as marine fish, it is rich in gempilotoxin, a waxy substance that is not metabolized at all. Therefore, the intake of this fish is contraindicated for people with digestive problems, because it not only leads to such, but also complicates those already available. Harmful substance levels are reduced if the fish is fried or grilled.

It is very important to always choose fresh fish. To do this, take it in your hands and look at it. If it lowers its tail, if the fins are dry and the gills are gray instead of bright red, this is a stagnant fish.

If you choose to buy live fish from a pond, it is very important that the water in which it is raised is clean. Bet on fish that swim closer to the bottom and not close to the surface. For avid fishermen who fish on their own, it is mandatory to check the water for mercury. This is done with a mercury analyzer.

When you have decided to surprise your loved ones with salmon, bet on pieces with white threads in them. A piece full of red is probably painted. Avoid fish with bright spots on the skin - they are caught during the spawning season and the meat is still soft.
