Garlic Protects Us From Lung Cancer

Garlic Protects Us From Lung Cancer
Garlic Protects Us From Lung Cancer

Consumption of garlic twice a week can protect us from lung cancer, the Daily Mail writes on its pages.

The conclusion was made by scientists working at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Jiangxi, China, and the results of the study were published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

It is estimated that people who add garlic to their diet have a 44 percent lower risk of developing the insidious and severe disease.

According to data, smoking causes lung cancer in almost 80 percent of cases, but here, too, garlic is useful. In smokers, the consumption of aromatic vegetables will reduce the risk of lung cancer by 30 percent.

For their study, Chinese experts used 4,500 healthy volunteers and more than 1,400 cancer patients. Part of the study included questions to participants about their eating habits and lifestyle.

The main questions of the scientists were how they consume garlic and whether they smoke.

Garlic protects us from lung cancer
Garlic protects us from lung cancer

The results are eloquent - those who eat garlic at least twice a week are much less likely to develop lung cancer, even if they are smokers.

Aromatic vegetables contain the substance allicin - the compound has antibacterial action. Garlic is effective in many conditions - it is well known that it fights flu and colds, helps with coughs and more.

If it is boiled or soaked in water, garlic can be extremely useful in inflammation in the body - it has an antioxidant effect.

Past research confirms that garlic and the ingredients it contains can protect us from many lung diseases.

Studies also show that garlic can protect us even from colon cancer, and according to research, vegetables reduce the risk by a third. Experts from Emory University, USA, have also found that garlic also helps with heart problems.

Scientists believe that the main reason lies in the compound diallyl trisulfide, which manages to protect heart tissue.
