It's Time For Tea, Not Coffee

It's Time For Tea, Not Coffee
It's Time For Tea, Not Coffee

With the growing factors against coffee and its harmful properties, it is good to turn to its substitutes. And what better substitute than tea.

Cup black tea contains half the amount of caffeine that is contained in a cup coffee. Adding milk to all types of tea actually makes it stronger.

Green tea
Green tea

Nettle tea is also a good substitute for coffee. Nettle is effective in diets because it boosts metabolism, soothes the stomach and cleanses the body of toxins. The daily dose is 4 teaspoons of nettle leaves in 250 ml of boiling water.

They are left for about half a minute, as the useful properties decrease during longer cooking. Chamomile or mint can be added to tea to improve the taste.

Other teas that are extremely suitable coffee substitutes are Jasmine Tea, Tea with Rum (overdoing it can have the opposite effect), Tea with Cardamom and Tea with Cinnamon. They tone the body and increase the excretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

coffee beans
coffee beans

Due to these properties, they are used in conditions such as fatigue, general weakness and loss of strength, low blood pressure, gastritis with decreased secretory function, poor appetite.

Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, after water of course. Every 24 hours, an average of 2 billion people on Earth drink tea. Champions in the use of tea are the British, each of whom consumes over 4 kilograms of tea per year.

One third of the world's tea production is in India, and its main competitor is Sri Lanka. The training for the traditional Japanese tea ceremony lasts for three years.


There are different types of tea. Here's one that is sure to make you throw away coffee from your household products:

This recipe is the work of Turkish nutritionists. It is made especially to replace coffee. The ingredients tone the body and fill the body with the necessary energy. It is also recommended as protection against various viral and influenza conditions.

Necessary products:

Half an apple with peel, 2 cloves, 1 slice of fresh ginger, 10 mint leaves, 2 tbsp linden blossom, 1 tsp green tea.

Method of preparation:

Boil the apple, cloves, ginger and mint for 10 minutes. Add lime blossom and green tea. Allow to simmer for 5 minutes.
