The Secret Of Red Sauces: How To Prepare Them At Home?

The Secret Of Red Sauces: How To Prepare Them At Home?
The Secret Of Red Sauces: How To Prepare Them At Home?

French sauces are divided into red and white and this has nothing to do with their color. White sauces are prepared with a transparent vegetable or chicken broth, supplemented with lightly toasted flour in butter, and the red meat broth is more saturated, the flour is baked until reddish-brown.

In modern kitchens, red sauces are enriched with red fruits, berries, which gives the dish a pleasant acidity and sweetness - it all depends on the recipe. Not all housewives, especially beginners, know how to make red sauce so as to harmoniously complement the taste of the products. So today we will prepare red sauces!

Recommendations for preparing red sauce

In some French restaurants, sauces are prepared by specially trained chefs. In fact, according to the French, everyone can learn to fry, bake and cook, but not everyone can learn to make sauces - such a talent is given to a person from birth. This does not mean that we can not make sauces at home, we just need to first learn from the professionals, and then experiment in your kitchen.

The secret of red sauces: How to prepare them at home?
The secret of red sauces: How to prepare them at home?

In almost all recipes for making red sauces it is recommended to start with the basics of cooking - first the bones are fried until golden, and then boiled for a long time. In addition to baking the flour in a pan without fat until reddish, it is necessary to carefully combine it with the broth. It is the flour that acquires the appetizing aroma of roasted nuts. Cooking the sauce ends with the introduction of additional ingredients - butter or vegetable oil, cream, carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables, herbs, roots and various spices.

What is needed for the preparation of red sauces

The secret of red sauces: How to prepare them at home?
The secret of red sauces: How to prepare them at home?

First prepare a broth of bones: you can take beef, pork, beef, lamb, as well as the bones of poultry and game. Rinse them well, cut them into small pieces and bake them in the oven at 170 ° C - for this you will need 1-1. 5 hours. The bones should be stirred periodically. At the end of baking, add the chopped onion and herbal roots to them.

Baked bones should be brown, then transfer to a saucepan and pour water (for 0.5 kg of bones take 1 liter of water). When the water boils, remove the foam and fat, reduce the heat and continue cooking for 5-6 hours, if necessary, remove the foam. One hour before cooking, add the parsley and celery roots to the bones along with the leaves. Cool and strain the broth - it should have a brownish-red tinge.

Basic red sauce

The secret of red sauces: How to prepare them at home?
The secret of red sauces: How to prepare them at home?

Put 2 tablespoons of wheat flour in a hot and dry pan. Bake until light brown - about 3 minutes. Mix the slightly cooled flour with a glass of warm broth and mix well to make a homogeneous mass without lumps. Add the porridge to the pot of boiling broth, stirring constantly, until smooth.

Put the chopped onion, carrot and parsley root in the pan with 2 tablespoons of oil or butter without frying the products so that the broth has a delicate taste. Add 40 g of tomato paste or 100 g of fresh tomato sauce to the vegetables and simmer for a while, stirring the vegetables. Remove the vegetables from the boiling broth and cook for another half hour, at the end add a pinch of sugar and salt, a few grains of pepper and a few bay leaves.

Cool the sauce and strain it through a sieve, removing the vegetables. Heat the sauce again and it is ready. With this sauce you can water the main dishes, an excellent addition to meat, fish and vegetables.
