How To Preserve The Valuable Substances Of Vegetables?

How To Preserve The Valuable Substances Of Vegetables?
How To Preserve The Valuable Substances Of Vegetables?

With improper heat treatment, most of the useful vitamins in food can be destroyed up to 90%.

There are some rules, the observance of which will help you preserve the maximum vitamins and nutritional qualities of vegetables.

The first condition is that the vegetables are fresh and not wilted.

They must be cleaned and cut immediately before heat treatment with a stainless steel knife. If you can just tear them without cutting them, it's always better.

When peeling some vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes, the top layer should be cut very thin, as it contains the most vitamins.


Another important condition that most housewives do not comply with is that the cleaned vegetables should NOT be soaked in water, as water-soluble vitamins and mineral salts pass into it.

Vegetables should be put in boiling water. This is because at high temperatures the substance that destroys vitamin C is neutralized and so it becomes possible to preserve the vitamin.

Use only strong, unpeeled aluminum cookware. Copper or iron vessels are not recommended because vitamin C is destroyed by touch.

When cooking, the vegetables should be covered with water and the container in which they are placed should be tightly closed with a lid.

The products are boiled until soft, after which they must be removed from the heat. The more they boil, the more they lose their vitamins.

It is good to eat vegetable dishes immediately after cooking, because after staying more than one or two hours they lose their vitamins. After the third hour, vitamin C is destroyed by 20-30% and after 6 hours it is completely destroyed. When reheated, it also breaks down.

You also need to know that when steam is boiled, vitamin C breaks down less than if it is boiled in water.
