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Video: Zucchini

Video: Zucchini
Video: Испанский Цуккини с чесноком | Блюдо, которому вы не сможете устоять 2024, September

Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) are a vegetable from the pumpkin family and a close relative of cucumbers. They are a low-calorie gift from nature, rich in minerals, which is the reason for its many benefits in our healthy eating. Zucchini is actually an annual plant that is dicotyledonous, with a creeping stem and forming modified whiskers, and its color varies from yellow to green.

Zucchini are relatively easy to grow and are not capricious. They are usually picked 2 to 7 days after flowering and it is important that they do not reach a length greater than 15 cm, because they significantly change their taste.

It's considered that zucchini originate from America, where only their seeds were originally used. They spread to the Old Continent only in the 16th century, when sailors carried them along with other plants. An interesting fact is that then zucchini were grown only in botanical gardens and only later became the mass cultivation of zucchini. Rooted for centuries in Mediterranean cuisine, in the 18th century it was the Italians who began to cook zucchini in the ways we know today.

Types of zucchini

Zucchini slices
Zucchini slices

- Zucchini or green zucchini, widespread in the Mediterranean and Western Europe, are a variety that is widely grown for its elongated green fruits;

- Shayot are kind pear-shaped zucchiniwhich is quite often used to substitute avocados. Unlike zucchini, they need longer cooking;

- The Straightneck variety are characterized by a cylindrical body and a rough yellow bark. They have a pronounced sweet and juicy flesh, rich taste and a generous content of carotenoids, fiber and vitamin C;

- Squash are probably the most colorful of appearance of zucchini - have an interesting shape and different colors, ranging from white to orange and green.

Composition of zucchini

Zucchini are extremely interesting vegetables - they are not extremely rich in vitamins, but on the other hand have a high content of minerals - they are especially rich in potassium, fiber, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, they contain an enviable content of vitamin C and B vitamins.

Zucchini contain 95% water, 0.8 - 1% nitrogenous substances, 5.75% nitrogen-free extract substances, 0.95% cellulose, 0.69% pentosans, 0.5% mineral salts. Their nutritional value is similar to that of cucumbers. A big advantage is that they have a small amount of sugars, of which very little is sucrose and a significant amount of plant-like insulin-like substances, which makes them an important and valuable food for diabetics.

The mineral salts in zucchini help the body's metabolism. They contain a larger amount of phosphorus and potassium salts, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, sulfur and chlorine, as well as the trace elements molybdenum, titanium, arsenic, aluminum, lithium, zinc and others.

100 g of raw zucchini contain:

Protein - 0.6 g, Carbohydrates - 3.7 g, Cellulose - 0.6 g, Water - 94.5 ml and between 18 and 27 kcal;

The amounts of vitamins in 100 g of raw zucchini are: C - 23.0 mg, B1 - 0.03 mg, B2 - 0.04 mg, PP - 0.20 mg.

In 100 g of boiled without salt and drained zucchini we find: 15 kcal, Protein - 1 g, carbohydrates - 2.70 g, fiber - 1 g, fat - 0.36 g.

In larger amount in zucchini after culinary processing we find the following minerals: calcium - 18 mg, magnesium - 19 mg, phosphorus - 37 mg, potassium - 264 mg, sodium - 3 mg, zinc - 0.33 mg.

Of the vitamins, more significant amounts are: vitamin C - 13 mg, Beta Carotene - 670 mcg, vitamin A - 1117 UI, Lutein + zeaxanthin -1150 mcg.

Selection and storage of zucchini


When choosing zucchini for culinary use, it is important to choose them with good firmness, smooth and undamaged shape. Spotted zucchini, with poor cell turgor, with injuries and soft rind are deprived not only of flavor but also of their useful substances.

When the choice of zucchini, the main indication that the vegetable is fresh is its prickly surface. It is best to choose medium to small zucchinibecause the larger ones have a lot of seeds and in most cases are overripe and are very likely to have a bitter taste.

In fresh condition we can keep the zucchini fresh for no more than 2 to 4 days in a dry and ventilated place. If we store them in the refrigerator, this period jumps to 20 days, but it is important that they are in a tightly closed box or in bags and sacks, but in no case in plastic bags.

If you want to keep fresh zucchini in the freezer, first clean them, slice and blanch for a few minutes in salted water. Allow them to dry, store them in envelopes and freeze.

Culinary application of zucchini

Zucchini have a wide culinary application - they are used raw, roasted, boiled and fried, with them you can make zucchini soup, zucchini rice, baked zucchini, salad, zucchini meatballs, fried zucchini, various pots, zucchini moussaka, a light roll of zucchini and even a soufflé with zucchini. The most suitable for eating and cooking are the very young zucchini, which are also the easiest to digest. In fact, the digestibility of zucchini depends on how they are prepared - boiled are easily digested, and fried zucchini are more difficult to digest. Zucchini can be used as a side dish and to prepare a variety of delicious dishes.

Recipe for stuffed zucchini

Stuffed zucchini
Stuffed zucchini

Necessary products: 4 medium zucchini, about 1.5 kg, 1 tsp. rice, 2-3 cloves garlic, 1 carrot, 1 tomato, 1 pepper, 500 g minced meat, a few sprigs of dill, 1 tbsp. oil.

Cut each zucchini into 3 parts and carve them with a spoon. Arrange them in a greased pan. Finely chop the carved part and add it to the pan, where the chopped garlic cloves and grated carrot are already fried. Once the liquid has evaporated, add and mix with the minced meat, fry it and add the grated tomato, finely chopped fold. Once the minced meat is fried, add the rice and fry it as well. Add 1 tsp. water and as soon as it swells, season with chopped dill, spices and fill the zucchini. Pour a glass of water into the pan and put in a moderately heated oven to bake.

Benefits of zucchini

Zucchini is a valuable gift from naturewhich brings a number of benefits to the body. In addition to being a regular part of many weight loss diets, zucchini are used and in diseases of the cardiovascular system, in hypertension, liver disease and others. They are recommended in the menu of children and people recovering from illness. Those of us who have digestive problems can find a faithful helper in the face of delicious zucchini, because they are low in calories and easily digestible.

It is important to note that the organic acids in zucchini are in very small quantities, which makes them an excellent food and dietary product in the therapeutic nutrition of patients with kidney disease. Eating zucchini regularly is a great way to replenish vitamin C stores, to prevent anemia with atherosclerosis, to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They work well in diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, duodenum, hypertension, obesity, anemia and cardiovascular disease.

Green Zucchini
Green Zucchini

Zucchini puree is one of the first to be included in the menu of young children and babies, because in these vegetables there is less water than in similar vegetables with a high content of mineral salts. Breastfeeding can eat zucchini of ox, because they have high digestibility and low content of plant fiber.

Harm from zucchini

The only harm that can occur to a person from consumption of zucchini is an allergy. However, allergic conditions of zucchini are very rare. In addition, zucchini overdose is not recommended for kidney disease, which is associated with difficulty in removing potassium from the body.

Decorate with zucchini

Use zucchini in your diet if you want to lose any other weight. They are extremely low in calories and even if you eat a larger portion of zucchini salad, etc., it will not affect your figure. In addition, the seeds of green zucchini are the main raw material for many beauty products - they are included by the leading cosmetic companies as an ingredient in creams to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands.
