Fresh Cabbage Juice Sculpts The Figure

Fresh Cabbage Juice Sculpts The Figure
Fresh Cabbage Juice Sculpts The Figure

Fresh cabbage juice, which we can prepare at home with a juicer, successfully burns fat. It is extremely useful in obesity, as it stops the transformation of carbohydrates into fat.

Fresh cabbage juice boosts metabolism and removes slag and cholesterol.

Vitamin C, PP, folic acid and amino acids, as well as easily digestible carbohydrates are part of the leafy plant. It is a little known fact that the content of vitamin C in cabbage is higher than in lemons.

In addition, the juice has an antiulcer effect due to the vitamin U it contains. Cabbage juice supports the function of the thyroid gland. Warm freshly squeezed juice serves to prevent acute gastric ulcer and duodenal cyst. The only inconvenience is that it causes increased gas formation, especially at the beginning of its regular use.


The drink helps to heal the lining of the stomach. However, in crisis exacerbation of gastritis or ulcer is not recommended to consume. It is extremely useful in relieving symptoms and healing.

Cabbage juice also contains a large amount of fiber and iron, which help the digestive tract and keep the colon in good condition. Fresh cabbage juice, taken together with cabbage puree, has a healing effect on inflammatory changes in the intestines.

The drink is drunk one cup of coffee 2 times a day 15-30 minutes before eating. Fresh juice from the plant can be diluted with a little carrot or spinach juice. This combination has a cleansing effect on the body. Do not add salt as you will destroy the value of the ingredients.

Good results for weight loss gives a two-day fasting diet with cabbage juice and mineral water.
