Nutritional Value Of Pumpkin

Nutritional Value Of Pumpkin
Nutritional Value Of Pumpkin

One of the sweetest temptations during the autumn-winter season for many of us is roasted pumpkin. Apart from being so fragrant and delicious, however, it can also be extremely useful. Despite the frequent debate over whether it is a fruit or a vegetable, the favorite pumpkin has already appeared on the colorful autumn market.

Pumpkin is a genus of plants in the Pumpkin family. Its stem reaches an enviable 4-5 meters. It has large leaves with long and hollow stalks. As with most cultivated plants, pumpkin is found in different varieties, with great variety in shape and color (orange, yellow, white, cream) of the fruit.

The history of the pumpkin is thought to have begun in Peru about 5,000 years ago. The Indians were the first people to cultivate the crop. In Europe in the XVI century for the first time Christopher Columbus brought pumpkins. Soon they are spreading across the continent.

Baked pumpkin
Baked pumpkin

Pumpkin is so valued mainly because of its rich nutritional value, very similar to that of potatoes. It has valuable dietary and taste qualities. The content of ripe fruits of relatively high quality varieties is significantly less protein and fat, more sugar (sucrose and glucose), as well as water.

100 grams of pumpkin contain on average:

Protein - 1 gram

Carbohydrate - 6.5 grams


Fat - 0.1 grams

Cholesterol - 0

Caloric content - 26

It should also be mentioned that only 100 grams of pumpkin contains about 15 mg of vitamin C.

Pumpkin is a good source of the minerals potassium and phosphorus. This makes pumpkin a suitable food for kidney and cardiovascular diseases. It is also rich in substances such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and cobalt.

Apart from the local part of the pumpkin, its seeds are also extremely useful. Rich in oils, proteins and resinous substances, the important thing when consuming is to avoid excessive salting.

They can be found in the composition of muesli, bread and more. Pumpkin seeds are especially useful for those suffering from chronic liver inflammation, gastritis, colitis, anemia, hypertension and osteoporosis.
