Nutritional Value And Benefits Of Bananas

Nutritional Value And Benefits Of Bananas
Nutritional Value And Benefits Of Bananas

Bananas are sweet fruits that are preferred by many people. They contain many vitamins, a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, iron and sodium, but most of all potassium.

Potassium is needed for muscles, heart, brain, bones and liver. It helps to quickly remove excess fluids from the body.

It is believed that regular consumption of bananas can reduce the risk of heart disease. This is because the potassium in them helps regulate our blood pressure.

Bananas relieve constipation. Diarrhea loses important electrolytes from the human body, which are restored very quickly with the consumption of bananas.

100 g of banana has an energy value of 90 kcal and 375 mg of potassium. Bananas are extremely useful for children, many doctors claim that this fruit has the ability to heal ulcers and prevent their occurrence. Bananas are also recommended for consumption for the postoperative period.

Eat bananas because they are a natural remedy for heartburn. They are also effective in treating other stomach and kidney disorders.

Eat bananas to be happy! According to research, the serotonin contained in them controls depression and has a calming effect on the nerves. Also, the mood improves and restores the feeling of happiness of a person who eats bananas.

Sliced bananas
Sliced bananas

Due to their nutritional qualities, bananas are a great food after exercise or training. They help restore lost calories, provide the necessary energy for the exhausted body.

Easy absorption by the body and lack of fat make bananas the perfect fruit for young and old. Young children adore them because of their great taste, and in the United States they are even called baby food.

In anemia, bananas are very useful because they contain iron and stimulate the increase of hemoglobin in the blood.

It's good to know that if you overdo it with alcohol, the next morning bananas are exactly what you need.

They help with hangovers, relax tense blood vessels that cause headaches. Make a milk banana shake sweetened with a little honey and you will feel like new.
