Disclaimer: There Is No Jump In Antibiotics In Meat

Disclaimer: There Is No Jump In Antibiotics In Meat
Disclaimer: There Is No Jump In Antibiotics In Meat

Yesterday the disturbing information came out in the media that the meat in our country was stuffed with antibiotics. However, the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency is adamant that the data have been misinterpreted.

Bulgaria has been participating in the European Monitoring of Consumption of Veterinary Antimicrobial Products project since 2011. Its main purpose is to monitor and limit microbial resistance.

The data that in our country there is a jump in the use of antibiotics in animals are obtained as a result of data voluntarily provided by wholesalers. In addition, according to the BFSA, it is incorrect to compare data for 2015 and 2014

For years, the practice of constantly stuffing animals with antibiotics has been stopped in our country. The use of antibiotics as growth stimulants has been banned in Bulgaria since 2006 and the legal provision is strictly observed. In addition, in order to give these substances to livestock, each farm must have a veterinarian who can prescribe them.


The BFSA has developed a plan to combat antimicrobial resistance, which is based on European principles in the field. The results have been getting better in recent years. While in 2015 the violations were 532, in 2017 there were only 290.
