Unknown Mushrooms: Fox Mushroom

Unknown Mushrooms: Fox Mushroom
Unknown Mushrooms: Fox Mushroom

Fox is an interesting name for a fungus. It is unknown, like many other mushrooms in Bulgaria. Its Latin name is Clitocybe gibba, belongs to the family Tricholomataceae - Autumn mushrooms. It is also known as the funnel-shaped nutcracker, which is due to its morphological shape.

The hood of the funnel-shaped nutcracker in a young state is convex and has a pronounced hump. As development progresses, the hood assumes a funnel-shaped shape between 5 and 10 centimeters. The edge of the hood is initially bent with radial ribs, and later becomes wavy, the hood turns yellow with a pink tinge.

As the fungus ages, it changes color and goes through yellow-brown, red-brown, and fades with prolonged drought. The plates of the chanterelle mushroom are strongly descending, densely arranged, wide, colored in cream.

The stump is bare, and hairs can be seen at its base. The stump at the upper end is thinner and takes on the color of the hood with dimensions 3-10x0.42-1 cm. It is elastic with a soft spongy core.

The flesh of the mushroom is white, in the hood - quite strong, and in the stump - pronounced fibrous with a slight pleasant smell and taste.

Funnel-shaped Nutcracker
Funnel-shaped Nutcracker

Photo: University of Guelph

The spore powder is white, and the spores are almond-shaped and 5-7.5x3-4 microns in size, colorless.

The fungus is distributed mainly in deciduous and coniferous forests, usually growing in groups, very rarely singly. The funnel-shaped nutcracker is found throughout the country, a widespread fungus in the months from June to November.

The interesting thing about the chanterelle mushroom is that it appears in large quantities in periods when other fungi are not found.

It is characteristic that the mushroom is edible, but it is determined by its average taste and is not widely used, like other edible mushrooms in Bulgaria. Its use is more common in Romania, where the mushroom is much more valuable.

It is suitable for fresh consumption, as well as dried and is good for canning.
